Mind Thief

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Nothing happened for a few days. The guys would patrol and stop a mugging or something, you and Splinter would train, it was as simple as that. You got used to living with the guys, and hearing them train at the crack of dawn.

At the moment, you and Splinter were training with your katana. Leo was off to the side meditating on a geyser of crystal blue water, and you could hear Raph letting out some steam on the dummy with flaming fists. Donnie was still in the Lab, fixing up the Shell Raiser, and Mikey was watching that Crognard the Barbarian show again.

Soon Leonardo left, giving you two green thumbs up as he passed, and went to join his brothers. Not long after, Master Splinter dismissed you, remarking that you were making great progress. You grinned as you walked out to the living room, where you saw Raph fuming and shouting at the unfazed Leo. Mikey made a comment and Raph charged him. You just sat next to Leo and watched.

You were interrupted when a giant mutant crocodile stumbled into the Lair, and fell to the ground. You gasped in shock, while the others, including Donnie who came to see what the noise was, rushed over to the crocodile.

"Leather Head! Are you ok??" Leo asks with worry. Mikey rushes over and hugs Leather Head's snout.

"Of course he's not! Can't you see the pain on his tortured yet adorable face?!" Mikey rubs the crocodile's head, and he slowly stands. You inch closer and listen to him behind Leo and Raph.

"My friends.. I'm afraid I am not alright. Slash and Dr. Rockwell have been captured!" The crocodile speaks with a rough, low voice. There are giant scars on him, and he looks weary.

"Slash?! Who took him?!" Raph questions, his voice leaking worry.

-Slash? I've heard that name before..-

"The Tiger.. He said they would serve him well."

Raph crosses his arms as he speaks.
"I'll give you one guess who he is." He huffs. Everyone nods in understanding, except for Mikey.

"Right.. that guy.. who does the thing.. with the thing.. I have no idea who he is." Mikey answers, and Raph steps closer to glare at him.

"It's Shredder!" He shouts. Mikey nods and grins.

"Oh yeah!"

You giggle and step forward a little more to hear the conversation, when a mutant man- or pigeon- flies in.

"Pigeon Pete! Oh.. why couldn't Tiger Claw take him?" Raph groans. Pigeon Pete flies in and crashes next to you. You step back as he stands.

"Whoa.. now this is a Lair. Ooh!" He flies around, admiring the turtles games. "Is that a real Space Heroes pin ball machine?" He exclaims as he examines it. He flies up to the spiral staircase above as he speaks. "All this place needs is some bread!"

"Bread?" You repeat, confused.

"He's a pigeon. He likes bread." Raph explains. You nod as you watch Pigeon Pete and Mikey talk, before Leo draws everyone's attention.

"Look, I don't like Slash all that much, but we're gonna save them, that's what friends do." Leo announced. You nodded and ran to get your katana, when Raph stopped you.

"Y/n, I don't know if you should come." He began.

"What, why?" You frowned. "I was almost able to take down Leo with my katana, and I'm getting better at stealth. Why can't I come?"

Raph sighed.
"Slash is- was Spike. And we're going to Shredders place. We don't want you anywhere near Shredder if anything happens. Please, just, stay here with Splinter. Please?"

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