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True to Marvels word, your mom had bought you f/f cake, and you and Marvel took your slices down to your room. It began to rain again, with no signs of stopping. The wind howled, and it felt a little warm. You put your fan on the lowest setting and sat on your bed as you ate.

"So," Marvel began, swallowing the cake in her mouth, "how've you been?"

"Fine.. Fine." You replied. "How was Florida?"
Marvel had been to the humid state over the weekend, visiting family and old friends. She lived there for the first three years of her life before moving to New York ten years ago, then moved next door to you, and has shown no signs of leaving.

"Alright. Really warm. And the mosquitoes, yikes. My mom has the worst of it." She sighs, leaning back on your desk chair after setting her empty plate down.

"Huh. How's your book coming along?" You place your plate onto hers. Marvel grins. You're the only one she talks to about her book.

"Well, I have the fifth chapter in the making, and last I checked, I had forty reads. It's coming along great, and I've had some helpful comments. Your ideas made the plot waaaay more interesting, by the way."

You smiled, about to speak, when something else caught you attention. Your desk was in front of your window, and the curtains were wide open to let in some natural light. Squinting, you thought you saw a person in the downpour, running to the tree line. Marvel saw you looking behind her and turned to see, but whatever you saw disappeared. She looked back at you, and you shrugged, bringing up another subject to avoid any further questions about it.


Outside, a figure stood at the tree line, shaded by the leaves and darkened sky. All that could be seen were their cobalt blue eyes, narrowed as they observed Y/n and her friend from afar.

"Well?" A gruff voice inquired, bright green eyes appearing in the black behind the first figure.

"I'm not sure." The blue-eyed silhouette replied, their gaze dropping as they turned to the other.

"She seems to match." A new pair of eyes could be seen, a mix between red and brown, almost like chocolate and cinnamon.

"I think it's her." Yet two more eyes became present, as a light blue.

"We won't know for sure until.." the first one, with the dark blue eyes trailed off, all eyes staring at the damp ground, unspoken words being shared between the four.

"We will see." The one with spiced brown eyes spoke, and the rest nodded in agreement, before all eyes vanished into the thick woods.

> two days later<

"Wait, what?!" You screech, not believing your own ears as your mother flinched, then began to explain again.

"We're moving to New York."

"But- but.. why?!"

"I got a job offer there, it pays more and, I just can't handle this farm. The cost for feed is just.." your mother trailed off, shaking her head as she scribbled something on paper.

"What about Marvel? School? Me?!" You protested, and your mom sighed.

"Sweetie, it's two hours away. You can visit. You'll go to another school, and you'll be fine."

You threw your hands up in the air and ran to your room, slamming your door shut and flopping on your bed. You grabbed your phone and began to dial Marvel, when it rang. You answered and held it to your ear.


"Hey Y/n. I just forgot to ask, when are you picking me up for the amusement park?"

"5:00... Marvel?"


"I'm moving."

Silence hung in the air like a thick fog, Marvels steady breathing barely audible over the phone. You waited for her response, gnawing on your lip.

"When?" She finally asked. You could imaging her tugging and twisting her dark brown hair, one of her nervous habits, and biting her own lip, a shared action between you both.

"My mom's not sure. Sometime this month."

"Well then," you could hear it in her voice, she was forcing out a smile as she spoke, "we better make the most of it. Go biking, hiking, whatever. Kay?"

You smiled sadly, letting out a heavy sigh.
"Yeah.. ok."

>time skip brought to you by Raphael dancing<

You gave Marvel another hug before reluctantly climbing in the car.

"Don't worry. We'll Skype every week, and, my mom might let me spend the weekend with you. I'll be seeing you." Marvel smiled, stepping back as the car began to pull out if the driveway, heading to the big city.

"BYE MARVEL!!" You shout, waving before the trees form a barrier between you both.

As you sat back down, sticking in headphones and blasting some music, four dark figures followed your car, switching from running on foot to jumping from tree to tree. Although they hid themselves in the shade, it could be seen that they wore colored clothes around their eyes, like masks. For the deep blue eyed one, it was an equally blue mask. Green eyes had a fiery red. Chocolate cinnamon had a lovely purple. The one with baby blue eyes had a bright orange.

Each pair of eyes stayed glued to you.

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