Getting to know each other.. again

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The boys dashed across the rooftops at an amazing speed, searching for a 15 year old female with h/c h/l hair.
Mikey was in the back, his brow dipped in thought.

He was not answered, merely ignored.

"What Mikey." Donnie finally replied, staying crouched at the edge of the roof, watching the streets.

"Maybe we should check where Y/n lives, o-or lived." Mikey suggests, and the three eldest look to their youngest sibling.

"That.. actually made sense.. good idea Mikey." Leo praised, patting his shoulder before they set off.
Landing on the roof next to where you lived, they then leaped to your fire escape, and peeked in the window.

They see you sound asleep, and tap on the glass repeatedly. After a minute or so, you awake and see them, falling off of your bed in surprise. You look over your sheets, locking eyes with them, and hesitantly walk over, unlocking and opening the window.

"Are you ok?!" They all inquire, squishing you in a hug once they're inside.

"I-I-I'm fine.." you murmur. noticing that they smell. And not in a good way.
"I- uh, I don't mean to be rude, but, have you been in the sewers lately?" You ask quietly, and they blush, aside from Mikey.

"Yeah! We actually live in the sewers! How'd you know?!" The nunchuck wielding turtle beams, his light blue eyes sparkling.

"She means we smell, you dimwit!" Raph slaps the back of his brothers head, and Mikey sulks while rubbing where he was struck.

"Wh-what happened?" You ask, glancing at the burn marks on your walls and floor.

"We have no idea. All that matters is that your safe, and unharmed. Are you sure you're alright?" Donnie answers and questions, scanning you worryingly.

"Y-yes, I-I'm fine," you pause, trying to remember his name, "uh.. i-is it D-Donnie?"

He smiles and nods, and you jerk your head in an awkward nod.

"What do we do now?" Raph huffs, glancing at you with soft eyes for a moment.

"YOU SHOULD COME HOME WITH US!" Mikey exclaims, jumping up and down with excitement, then stopping when Raph sends him a warning glare.

"I-in the s-sewers?"

"Well, yeah. It doesn't really seem logical to leave you here. I-I mean, you can come back.. as soon as we make sure you'll be safe here. And the Lair isn't as bad as it sounds." Leo responds, shifting his feet slightly.

"W-well.. I-I suppose it wouldn't hurt for a-a little while.." immediately after you speak, Mikey pulls you in for a tight hug, waves of joy surrounding him.

You and the turtles climb out and up to the roof, where you decide who you'll ride with to the Lair. After a moment or two of Leo, Donnie and Raph bickering over one another, Mikey asks you, calmly, if he can take you, and you accept, to the dismay of the others.
You hold on to Mikey's shell, your feet hooked on his belt and your arms around his neck as he leaps from rooftop to rooftop. On the way, they explain who and what they are, and what they do. Now knowing their story, you feel selfish, remembering your past actions, and apologize for forgetting them, which they accept in a heartbeat.

After a while they land on a roof and climb down to the grimy alley, removing the manhole cover and climbing down, you and Mikey last.

Mikey notices your questioning expression, and places his hand on your shoulder.
"Don't worry Sunshine, I'll protect you!" He remarks, puffing out his chest heroically. You giggle, forgetting your hesitation and climb down, where Leo helps you down the last three steps, and all four turtles walk beside you protectively, making you blush.

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