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Leo sits on the couch with wide, sleep-deprived eyes, not paying attention to Space Heroes as it plays on the TV. He simply sits there, thinking about his Y/n, now called Electrica, although he doesn't know that yet. His eyes are wide and far off as he sits in deep thought. Meditation doesn't work. He doesn't feel like eating. Her tormented, insane wide eyes haunt his dreams and nightmares, so he doesn't sleep.

Raph punches the Shredder dummy with everything he's got. And when he's tired, he gets something to eat and lays in his room, staring at the ceiling. He can't sleep at all. If he tries, he just sees Y/n's– now Iro's– sad depressed eyes, red from the many tears she's cried. So he just lies there, replaying her voice in his head. Analyzing every syllable, studying the tone of her voice, listening to the sorrow in her speech. The best way to punish himself for failing to save her.

Donnie sleeps. And sleeps. And sleeps. His dreams are filled with Dōbutsu, stalking him in the form of a tigress. Her white, gleaming teeth seem to glow in the dark, as do her catlike eyes. He runs through the sewers, barely evading her. Not once does he engage in a fight with her in his nightmares. Just runs. And runs. And cries in his sleep.

Mikey stays in his room, curled up in a little ball on his bed as he stares at the wall. He holds Hikari's favorite comic book close, confused and worried for his sunshine.

Meanwhile, the girls have done something unexpected.. 

(I'm sorry I haven't updated in eternity!! We've been so busy, people are coming over and we're moving furniture around. Boy oh boy. Well, I hope you enjoy.. and you don't hate me 😥😟)

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