Speak Your Thoughts

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Raph drummed his fingers on the back of the couch as he read his comic book. Not even the graphic novel filled with unnecessary violence could chase away his boredom. He had tried bugging Leo by stating how lame Space Heroes was, but he just ignored him, and Donnie and Mikey-- mostly Donnie-- were nerding it out in the Lab, so no use in going in there.
With an irritated sigh, Raph set down his comic an left for the dojo, his mind set on a bit of training.
As he entered the dojo, his eyes stuck to the punching bag, his attention was averted to the tree when something made the leaves rustle. Recalling the incident with the bird, Raph slowly walked towards the tree, his hands hovering over his sais. When you appeared, hanging upside down on a branch, Raph relaxed.

"Hey Peanut." He greeted with a small smile, taking longs strides to you. You smiled, your face growing a bit red.

"Hey Raphie. Whatcha doing?" You inquired as you pulled yourself up. Raph watched you swing around and sit on the tree branch so you were facing him with a warm smile.

"Training. You?" He questioned back.

"Nothing. Care to join me?" You smiled with pleading eyes. Raph thought for a moment, glancing around the room before nodding and climbing up. You grinned and leaned on the base of the tree, your legs resting on the branch. Raph chuckled and copied you, looking up at the green leaves, breaking the light shining down into beautiful rays.

It was silent for a while until Raph spoke.

"A penny for your thoughts?" He grinned, leaning over to lock eyes with you. You laughed.

"My thoughts are worth more than a penny." You teased, sticking out your tongue. Raph chuckled, smiling fondly, which was a rare sight.

"I have no doubt about that, but I only have two pennies." He informed you, holding out the 2¢.

"I'll take it." You grinned, taking the two pennies and then thinking a moment.

"I love it up here, and your eyes are really green." You stated. Raph laughed, Rollin his eyes.

"I want my pennies back." He chuckled. You giggled and held out one.

"A penny for your thoughts?" You grinned. Raph sighed, not in annoyance, just because he could, and took the penny.

"Uhhh... You smile a lot." He finally answered, making you blush lightly.

"O-oh.. well-"

"I don't need payment to tell you my thoughts!" April exclaimed from the ground. Raph froze, his eyes widening as he thought of what April could say at that moment.

"Hey Apes!" You greeted, climbing down and hugging the red head. She hugged back, sending a sly smirk and a suggestive eyebrows wiggle to Raph, who in return, facepalmed.

"Hey Y/n, I think I left my T-phone in your room. Could you go check for me?" April pleaded with puppy dog eyes. You sighed and nodded, jogging to your room to search, leaving Raph alone with April.

"Ok, first off, you two are so cute!" She squealed. Raph huffed, crossing his arms and turning away from her slightly.

"Who are you talkin' about? There's no one cute here." He denied, his face turning sour.

"Denial! I heard that sly compliment up there. You're slick, I'll give you that, but you need to stop being so subtle, speak your mind!" April advised. Raph growled, mostly to himself.

"Why? So I can hear the 'oh, I'm so sorry Raph, I just don't feel the same way' bull crap? No thank you." He objected, glaring at April for a moment. April gasped softly, stepping forward to place her hand on his arm.

"Y'know, that may not be the case. She could-"

"April, give it a rest!" Raph snapped. "I have no chance with a girl even remotely close to Y/n! Look at me! I'm a mutant turtle! Do you honestly think I could be someone she fantasizes about? Do you really believe that Y/n could seriously consider seeing me as something more than a freaky friend that is not only a humanoid turtle, but also can control fire?! The odds are against me, April, they have been from the very beginning, so stop trying to convince me that it could all change with a few words from my part!" Raph bellowed, his eyes lighting on fire along with his entire body. April stood in her place and listened with a poker face until Raph was finished, his flames disappearing with only whispers of smoke left in their place.

"Raph," April spoke softly, placing her hand on his arm. He looked up from the floor with sad eyes, a sight April hadn't witnessed until now.
"I do believe that. Because you know what? Y/n isn't a normal girl. And what's more, she could believe the same thing you just said, only directed to her. You need to give you and her a chance. Speak your thoughts."

Then April pulled out her T-phone from her bag and placed it to the side jus before you came in.

"I couldn't find it," you panted. April tapped her chin in fake thought.

"I wonder where else- oh, there it is!" She exclaimed, picking up her phone. "Must've left it here when I was training."
April smiled and bid her ado's to you and Raphael before leaving, and then the room became eerily silent.

"So... Raph.. a penny for your thoughts?" You questioned with a shy smile, holding up a penny.

Raph smiled, taking the penny and putting it back in you hand.

"The punching bag is calling me." He grinned, spinning on his heel and heading straight for it. Your smile fell as you watched him square up and begin.

Neither one of you had spoken your true thoughts.


*sighs* I hope you enjoy!!!!!!!!!! 😛😙

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