Peace In Body

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"-s-so, I would be eternally grateful if you kept Casey away from my lab

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"-s-so, I would be eternally grateful if you kept Casey away from my lab." Donnie finishes his long explanation of how you will be the best choice to keep Casey away from his little makeshift lab in the barn.

You smile and nod your head, giving the tall turtle a goodbye and good luck hug. He was going in the forest with his brothers, with no electronic devices, to find balance with nature and his element powers.

You wave as Donatello and his brothers begin their journey, and Donnie waves back.

"Hey Y/n, you wanna train?" April offers, standing in front of Casey, who gives you a sly grin and a suggestive eyebrow wiggle.

"U-uh, no thanks. Donnie gave me some stuff to do." You respond hurriedly, dashing into the barn. You hear April try to break the board Casey holds up for her, and sigh, walking over to Donnie's area.

"I can see why Donnie doesn't trust Casey around all these chemicals. Hm, I wonder what this does.." You ponder out loud, holding up a beaker of purple liquid. A waft of smoke floats in the air from that mixture, and you breathe it in. You set it down, and after a moment, you sneeze, and grow dizzy. You reach down and turn the beaker, reading the label.

"S-sleeping solution.." you read, then fall asleep in the chair.


Not even a minute seems to pass before you jolt awake, looking around.

"I am not in the barn.." you murmur. How right you were. You were on a pillar of rock, just big enough to hold you, the chair and table. Looking down, you don't even see the ground, just fog. You hear a familiar voice, and stand up. As soon as you do, the pillar you're on crumbles, and you fall, then float.

"Whoa! Wow, this- this is impossible!" You giggle, drifting around aimlessly. You see your mutant nerd, donned in cool looking armor.

"Donnie! Don! Look! I'm flying!" You shout to him, but he doesn't hear you. You frown, and grab the mountain next to you, pulling yourself down to the purple clad turtle.

"Hey! Don! Donnie!! DONATELLO!" You shout, pushing yourself closer. He still ignores you, climbing up the mountain. You give yourself an extra strong push, sending you flying.. and right through him.

"WHAT THE SHELL?!" You exclaim, landing on your feet behind Donnie. He doesn't hear or see you, rambling to himself about all the things he'll do when he gets back.

You walk up to him, and try to touch his shell, but your hand goes right through, turning into purple smoke. You pull back and stare at your hand dumbfounded, while Donnie keeps going.

"Ugh, I'm not even sure if I'm going the right way! I really miss GPS guidance right now." Donnie sighs, climbing up the mountain. The shock of being a ghost wears off, and you chuckle to yourself at Donnie's remarks. Donnie can always make you laugh, no matter what's happening. It's strange.

You follow Donnie up the mountain, when it begins to shake and rumble.

Donnie looks up, gripping to the rock behind him. Above are Foot ninja, with giant hammers, pounding on the mountain. A huge chunk falls down, and Donnie presses against the wall. You shriek and brace for the impact, but the giant slab of stone goes right through you.

"You're gonna bring the whole mountain down!" Donnie shouts. After a moment, realization dawns upon him.
"Unless.. you don't care, because you're an apparition from the spirit realm!"

Several bots jump down, and Donnie whimpers.
"I hate when I'm right." He murmurs.

You watch as Donnie fights the bots that jump down, while others stay above, beating on the mountain.

He makes his way up to where those bots are and takes them out.

"YOU WANNA TAKE DOWN HALF THE MOUNTAIN?! FINE BY ME!" He exclaims, wielding his axe, and slamming it into the mountain. The bots climbing up are knocked down by falling rocks, and when the dust settles, Donnie grins as he rests his weapon on his shoulders.

"He-Hey, this Ono isn't that bad. Just takes some quick thinking and-"

He's cut short when Tiger Claw bursts through the rock, growling.

"T-Tiger Claw?! No, no, you're just a spirit, you're not real!"

In response, Tiger Claw punches Donatello square in the plastron, sending him flying back.

"Does that feel real to you?" He snarls.

"Absolutely." Donnie wheezes. You watch as Donnie stands up and charges Tiger Claw, fighting with everything he's got.

Tiger Claw laughs maniacally as he and Donnie's weapons clash with another, and pushes him down the mountain, taking his Ono. He pounds the ground with it, and Donnie, lying on his stomach, shields himself as giant rocks and boulders crash down.

When it's clear, Donnie looks up to see that the rocks created a pillar for himself, just his size. Tiger Claw rounds the corner, and Donnie freaks out for a moment.

"No, I have to stand my ground. Immovable, right?" He coaches himself, pulling his mask down to cover his face. Tiger Claw leaps up and slams into Donnie, but he stays in place, him and his opponent pushing against each other.

"And you're the smart one?! I'm twice your size, and I have twice your strength!" Tiger Claw taunts. Donnie doesn't speak, shifting his feet and flipping Tiger Claw over him. He falls, disappearing in the fog below.

You smile and jump up, cheering Donnie.

"Go Donnie, go! Who's the biggest, baddest ninja in NYC?! DONATELLO!" You shout, and to your surprise, you hear Donnie chuckle.

"Great, now I'm hearing things." He sighs, pushing his mask up for you to see the small smile on his face. He looks around, his eyes passing you, then darting back. There you are, a few feet away, shouting and cheering for him as a purple spirit.

"Wait.. Y/n? How are you here?! Do I have to fight you?! Please say no! I don't want to fight you, what would happen to you?! Would it effect the real-"

You walk over and give him a look, and he stops rambling.

"I don't know how or why I'm here, but I know for sure we're not fighting. Ok?" You smile, and Donnie grins in return, a special light in his eye.

That spark is the last thing you see before you wake up.


Jumping up, you hit your knee on the edge of the table, and hop up and down as you hold it.

"Ow ow ow ow ow ow!" You whine, and hobble out of the barn.

Casey and April are still sparring, April trying to break a board, when the Turtles return.

They stand tall with banners decorated with Japanese symbols, and are wearing cool armor.

"It's time. We're going back to New York city." Leo announces.

Donnie walks past you to the barn, accidentally brushing your hand with his. He glances at you, and you smile knowingly.

"The immovable ninja." You whisper, then walk away. Donnie smiles as you leave, continuing to the barn.

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