Confrontation; Part 1

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Five nights later, the guys are out on patrol. The moon is hidden behind the clouds, pale rays of moonlight escaping and shining down on New York city, giving it a haunting, creepy effect.
The turtles hope to see the girls tonight. They finally got their act together and started acting somewhat normal, to the relief of Master Splinter, Casey and April. Leo and Donnie made a plan to help the girls, and now all they had to do was find them and take them back to the Lair.

As Raphael looks around, he hears familiar humming. After a moment of listening, he shakes his head slightly and continues to run with his brothers, thinking it is all in his head. Then it grows louder. Raph slows down a bit, glancing around. To his surprise, a small waft of color dust floats his way and circles around him, then floats away. Unsure and very confused, he glances at the others before following the color dust.
It leads him not too far, to a rooftop. The humming is now louder than before, and as Raph stands on the rooftop, his eyes land on an AC box about three feet away. He watches the puff of color float over there and disappear behind it. Taking a breath, Raph slowly walks forward, tensing up when Iro stands to reveal herself before he can take the last step to see her.

"Y-Y/n.." Raph begins, his throat suddenly dry and his mind scrambling for words.

"My name is Iro," she whispers, keeping her hair in her face to hide her weary, sad, nearly lifeless eyes. Her mind screams for her to stop. To tell Raphael everything. How she just drew him away from his brothers so he couldn't protect them from what is to come. How she is about to trap him with lies and acting as if she is the old Y/n he wishes her to be.
"A-at least... that's what Shredder says.." she adds in a mumble, glancing up at him hesitantly.

"I-I'm so sorry sweetheart.." Raph whispers, tears appearing in his eyes, only for him to blink them away and sniffle. "I'm sorry I couldn't get to you.. I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough.."

-I'm the one that should be apologizing, Raphael..- Iro thinks with even sadder eyes as tear spill down her pale cheeks. "Wh-why didn't you come get m-me?" She whispers, not really acting as much as truly asking a question that has been tormenting her mind for months.

"Shredder took extra care in hiding you.. we broke into his lair and lab I don't know how many times, and we left with more broken bones than we could count," Raph steps forward once, looking at Iro with sad eyes, wanting to hold her so badly and tell her everything will be alright. "I wanted to find you.. I died a little inside when we returned home without you."

Iro shuffles back as he steps forward, her hair shielding her face, to Raph's hidden disapproval.
"What do you want from me?" She asks with a slight frown.

Raph rubs the back of his neck and glances down at his feet, embarrassed at how corny his next words are.
"Y-you.. n-not like, y-you're b-body, I mean, I-I want t-to bring my Y-Y/n back home, and have e-everything go back t-to the way it w-was," he blushes furiously as he stutters and stumbles over his words, as always when he speak to Y/n.

Iro begins to blush, startled by how suddenly her face heats up. She feels her heart beat against her chest as color returns to her face for a moment. Raph smiles slightly as he notices.

"I-I'm afraid th-that will never happen.." she whispers as the color is sucked out of her hair, from the rooftop, and from Raphael's belt and mask, forming into a raging ring of red, h/c, brown and the dark grey of the building. Raph's green eyes widen, and he spins around, running as his dull grey mask tails wave behind him. Iro takes off chasing him, sorrow, fear and anger swimming in her dull e/c eyes as the ring of color follows her and Raph, shifting and changing into a tornado, appearing angry as the red grows brighter and the greys grow darker. Raph looks behind him and gasps, running faster. Iro huffs as she tries to match his speed while the color tornado flies past her.
"I'm sorry Raph!" She shouts as Raph is sucked up and tossed around inside the tornado of red, brownish grey and faded h/c.

"Y-Y/n! St-stop this– AUGH!" He cries out in pain as the green in his skin is slowly taken and forms in Iro's hands. He feels the life slowly being drained from him, and he realizes Iro won't go down without a fight.
-And neither will I..- he thinks as a spark lights up in his eyes. And suddenly, he growls. The growl makes Iro's heart skip, and fear courses through her as she looks up at him. His body is barely a silhouette in the darkness of the color tornado as he thrashes and punches. Smoke rises from his dull green skin as he grits his teeth, then suddenly explodes into a fiery ball of rage, destroying Iro's focus and the tornado. His color returns, although he doesn't notice while his body is coated in flames.

"You wanna fight? Let's fight!" He snaps, taking his Sais from his belt and spinning them in his hands. Iro's hands shake as she sucks the color out of a billboard across the street and gets in a fighting stance.

"I-it wasn't supposed to h-happen like this.." she whispers fearfully before they charge each other to fight..

(CLIFFHANGER! Sorry!! I had to or else it would've been WEEKS, or maybe several more days before I published.. Part 2 is coming.. soonish, along with my birthday, eeeyyy!)

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