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"The.. Mighty Mutanimals?" You repeat the name, testing it out. Raph nods again.

"They're led by Slash."

"He was Spike, wasn't he?" You realize. Raph's attitude makes sense now. That sad look that he covers up with a glare, the heavy sighs when he thinks no one's around.
"I'm sorry, Raph."

"Nothing to be sorry about," he snaps, "you weren't there, you couldn't do anything. I suppose," he pauses, "it was fate, or something."

You nod, keeping your eyes low.

"Ahem.. a-anyways, we were gonna team up, but, y'know, it didn't work out." Raph murmurs, noticing your shy attitude. You glance up and send him an apologetic look, and he clears his throat before continuing. "So, we're gonna stop this big Kraang missile thing from mutating the entire world. We should be back before dinner." Raph grins to downplay how serious this mission is.

You nod, already feeling scared for them.
"Raph... please, just promise me you'll get back, safe and sound. I don't know what I'd do if.. if you were hurt.."

Raph's eyes widen for a moment, processing what you said.

-She.. she's worried.. about me..-

"Uh, yeah, yeah, I promise. No need to worry, Peanut."

Without thinking, you hug Raph, hiding your face in his shoulder. You remember hugging him when you were little, how tall and strong and warm he was. How you clung to his neck so you wouldn't fall. He's still warm, and strong, but not as tall, since you're older and taller now.

It takes Raph a moment to respond, returning the hug and awkwardly patting your back.

"I- um.. I've gotta go. I'll see ya, Y/n."

Raph brushes past you, the tails of his mask tickling your ear.

"See ya, Raphie." You reply, although he's already left.


"They're not back! Who knows what's happened to them.. they could be captured, o-or lost, or stuck, or-"

"Y/n," Splinter interrupts your rant, meditating on the floor. His tail swishes as his whiskers twitch and his eyes are closed. He looks so calm and at peace. Meanwhile, you're standing there gnawing at your lip and wringing your hands like you found out you're about to die.

"They will be fine. I should know, I trained them." Splinter smirks, opening his eyes to see you hiding your face in your hands. He sighs.
"Come sit with me."

You obey, copying his position. You look pale, and just downright scared. Every passing moment adds on to your worry, each minute one more frightening though about what could've happened to your friends mixes in with the others swimming inside your mind.

"Close your eyes and breathe in."

You do so, smelling fresh and leftover pizza, dust and rubble, and a bit of the sewers.

"Breathe out."

You feel a sense of calm wash over you as you let out your breath. You understand why Splinter does this so often.

"And again."

You repeat this you don't know how many times, not knowing that Splinter is watching you. Analyzing you.
You truly care for his sons, but he knows you care a bit more for one of them, even if you don't know it yet.

"Very good. Would you like to train, Y/n?" Splinter suggests, and you open your eyes to see him standing already.


You stand and walk with Splinter, feeling a bit better. You were still worried, but you knew they would be fine. After all, Splinter had taught them everything they know.


When they return, tired, hungry and worn out, you can barely contain yourself. Not only did they stop the Kraang from mutating the entire world, they got all the mutated New Yorkers back!

"You guys did it! You saved the entire world!" You cheer, giving each of them a hug.

"Ah, it was nothing." Leo responds, waving it off.

"It was most definitely something." You smile, seeing April and her dad walk past. "You saved all those people out there. You guys are heroes, even if no one knows about it."

"Thanks, Y/n." Donnie smiles. Raph chuckles and ruffles your hair, and in return, you hug him again.

"Really. Great job, Raph."

Raph blushes slightly, and gently pushes you off.

"L-like Leo said, it's nothing."

You stay and help the Hamatos pack up, ready to take back the Lair. Just like before.

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