Element Training

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When you woke up that morning, you froze. You didn't know where you were, not remembering what happened yesterday, and worst-case-scenarios flooded your mind as you glanced around the room.

A sudden knock to your door made you jump.

"Y/n! Breakfast is ready! Made by yours truly." Mikey's cheerful voice helps you remember what happened the day before. You jump up, getting dressed before running out and to the kitchen. There, the others are eating already. They smile when they see you.

"Morning sleepy head." Leo chuckles, and you grin. Mikey sets a plate of scrambled eggs and toast before you.

"I remember you said this was your favorite breakfast." Mikey smiles. You nod and begin to eat. When you're halfway finished, the Turtles stand and rush out, heading for the dojo. You hurry to finish and follow.

"You're late," Splinter points out with a stern tone. "Ten laps, then we will begin."

The turtles begin running around the edge of the dojo. No one notices you, peeking in timidly.

A short time later, the Turtles line up before Splinter. He stands before them, stroking his beard.

"Leonardo and Michelangelo. Raphael and Donatello."

They bow to their teacher and move to the middle of the room, facing their opponent. You notice they don't have their weapons, which seems odd.

"Hajime!" Splinter shouts. In a flash, they all hold weapons on their hands, except, they're element weapons.

Leo holds two shimmering water katana, a single ripple going across the surface as they become solid. He slices the air, a satisfying hum ringing from his water blades.

Raph holds two flaming sais. They dance around while staying solid in his hands, red like the fire in his eyes.

Donnie wields a stone staff, strong and mighty. He spins it in his hands, then bangs it on the ground. A small quake makes you grab the wall for support, and you look back up to see Donnie grin sheepishly to his brother's and teacher.

Mikey grins as air nunchucks appear in his hands. They float on their own, and move at Mikey's will. He spins them around and chuckles, showing a cheeky grin.

You watch in awe as they fight, using their elements in a way you've never seen.

Leo swings and slices at Mikey, then jumps up and lands a kick at his brother's plastron. You see a burst of blue come from Leo's leg as his foot meets Mikey's front. Mikey stumbles back, then spins his air-chucks around. He strikes and Leo dodges, grunting once or twice. Mikey leaps in the air, shouting a "BOOYAKASHA" as he spins and kicks Leo. That, paired with a blast of air knocks Leo back, and he falls to the ground.

"Good job Mikey, you got me." Leo praises his little brother, and they sit to the side while Raph and Donnie battle.

Raph grins, tightening his grip on his weapons. The flames burn brighter, and Donnie gulps. Raph makes the first move, stabbing at Donnie, who dodges in return. Donnie then spins his stone staff around and lands a jab to his elder brother's plastron. Raph grunts as he stumbles back, and growls, a scary look of determination and anger in his eyes. He starts throwing kicks along with his jabs, his feet lighting on fire when he lands a kick to Donnie's being. Donnie grins and slams his staff on the ground. The great tree in the dojo begins to shake before the branches reach out and grab Raphael, lifting him off the ground. Raph sighs, his fire sais disappearing.

"FyI, I could've burned the branches." Raph growls once he's back on solid ground.

"Yeah, but Splinter made a rule that you can't. After the 'incident'." Leo remarks with a smirk.

"Yame! Donatello and Michelangelo, bow to your opponent." Splinter interrupts. Leo and Raph sit at the side while Donnie and Mikey bow and prepare to fight.

"Hajime!" Splinter speaks.

Donnie's stone staff forms in his hands again, but this time it has vines wrapped around it. Mikey's air chucks return, and the orange clad turtle grins as he leaps around.

"Mikey, be serious about this!" Donnie exclaims as he continuously strikes at Mikey, and misses.

"I am, dude!" Mikey grins, lifting Donnie up in a gust of air. Donnie frowns and lifts one hand up. The tree's branches grow longer and hit Mikey, knocking him back. Donnie lands on the ground again, and points his staff at Mikey.

"I win!" Donnie grins, and Mikey pouts as his brothers congratulate Donatello.

You decide to enter, and give a big grin to Donnie before walking up to Mikey.

"That was awesome Mikester!" You smile, and he smiles back.

"Thanks Sunshine. Donnie still won though." He sighs, standing up. You put your hand on his shoulder.

"That doesn't matter. I still think you did awesome."

Mikey grins and hugs you.

"Thanks Y/n. Would you.. I dunno, like to see some moves?"

You grin and nod, and Mikey beams. He takes your hand and you're lifted up in a whirlwind. Your smile grows larger, and Mikey can't help but smile with you.

"That was so much fun!" You squeal when he lowers you both to the ground.

"That was nothing! When I'm Topside, I can do a ton of other stuff!"

You open your mouth to speak, when your stomach cuts you off with a growl.

"All that flying made me hungry." You mutter, and you're immediately pulled to the kitchen by Mikey.

"Then I'll make you something!" He grins, pulling out a Ramen noodles package. You move next to him and hand him a pot.

"And I'll help." You chuckle, bumping him with your elbow. Mikey grins and fills the pot with water, glancing at you every second or two, admiring your smile and savoring your laughter.

-As long as I can be with you..- he thinks to himself.

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