When Rain Falls..

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"How long will this take?" You growl as you tug on your restraints, eyeing the other two "test subjects" on your left. "And are you sure this will work?" you let your body relax, assuming there will be more pain if you struggle. Your breathing slows to a steady pace as a figure looms over you, his golden eyes glowing in the dark.

"Yes. At the end of this week, you will wield the power to destroy Hamato Yoshi and his sons." They growled with a smirk. You grin as a needle injects a clear liquid in your arm and you pass out.

-The power to destroy the Hamatos.. and most importantly, Donatello..-


You loved visiting Mr. Murakami's with Donnie. You loved feeling his hand in yours as he held the door open for you. You loved sitting with him and talking while Mr. Murakami prepared your food. You couldn't stop the blush from spreading across your face when Donnie traced the lines in your palm so lightly. You'd always giggle when you walking in the Lab unannounced, causing him to grin at you. He loved it when you made surprise visits to the Lab. He loved it when you awoke him and guided him to his room after a late night experimenting and testing.
You were both so dizzy and smitten, lost in a fantasy, that you didn't notice the danger until it was too late.

When everything turned horrible, you were alone, walking to Mr. Murakami's; 24/7. You guys ran out of pizza gyoza, and you offered to pick  up some from 24/7's. Donnie wanted to come with you, but it was in the middle of the day, and he was in the middle of a difficult and delicate project. You were positive he didn't need to come, that you could protect yourself, and he believed you. You were both so blinded by love that you didn't see the danger charging straight for you.

As you walked into 24/7's, you sensed a shift in the once cheerful atmosphere of the restaurant. Mr Murakami was nowhere to be seen, and your bag of food was sitting alone on the counter. This screamed trap, but you didn't notice or care. You stepped forward, reaching out to grab the to-go bag, and as soon as your fingers brushed against the brown paper, electricity surged through you. You jolted back, momentarily stunned.

-It isn't meant to hurt me or knock me out. Just to stun me..- you realized as you stumbled into a table, knocking it and whatever was on it over. While your vision was blurred, you spied a figure stalking towards you from the corner of your eye. You stood and threw a clumsy kick that they caught with ease. The blurriness faded and double vision returned to one, and you finally saw who was towering over you.

Tiger Claw.

You bolted for the door, but he grabbed your shoulder and threw you back, and you slammed into the wall. You gasped for breath and stood, dropping into a shaky fighting stance with your fists up.

Tiger Claw chuckled menacingly.
"Aw, the kitten is trying to roar. Do not worry, I shan't bruise you too badly," he growled with a smirk as he picked you up by the throat. You began to kick your dangling feet, landing a few strikes to his gut before he grew bored of your feeble attempts at defense and tossed you once again.

"Do you know what day it us little one?" He inquired, crouching in front of you. Your weariness could be seen in your face, the pain from being thrown against the walls leaked into your voice. You were too weak and in too much pain fight.

"Th-the 31st.. of December.." you gulped, still gasping for air.

"Yes, and I promised to deliver you to Master Shredder before The New Year, so why don't you make this easier for both of us and stop struggling." Tiger Claw suggests, believing you would give up easily.

In response, you used the last of your strength to kick him in the face. As he fell back and checked his face for broken bones, you dialed Donnie's number and stumbled away from the powerful mutant.

"Hello, Y/n? Is everything ok?" Donnie asked. As soon as you heard his voice, you screamed.

"DONNIE, HELP ME! TIGER CLAW IS–" but before you could finish Tiger Claw hit you over the head, knocking you out.

"Y-Y/N?! Hang on flower, I'm almost there!" Donnie shouted in return. Tiger Claw scrambled out of the restaurant, spying Donnie running across the rooftops with a strong look of determination plastered on his face. Tiger Claw growled as he threw you in the back of his van and climbed in the drivers seat, slamming on the gas. The sudden sound of Donatello landing on the roof on the car startled him, and Tiger Claw frowned as he swerved left and right, attempting to throw Donnie off, which he succeeded in. Donnie flew off and rolled on the hard asphalt, crying out your name as the car disappeared.


Your head throbbed in pain, and felt like it was about to explode. You kept your eyes shut as you groaned, hoping you were back in the Lair, safe and sound.

-But I don't hear Raph shouting at Mikey..- you thought, wincing afterwards.

"Stay still little kitty, and you may have a bowl of cream." Tiger Claw spoke from the corner once you opened your eyes, his sharp gleaming teeth seeming to glow in the dim light as he grinned at you, never growing tired of the "kitty" jokes.

"Screw you, tabby cat." You snapped, glaring up at him. He glared back at this, stalking towards you only for an armored arm stopped him. The Shredder stared down at you, seeming to peer into the deepest, darkest parts of your mind and soul.

"Like what you see Cheese-Grater?" You growl at the samurai. You jump back in surprise and fear when he approaches you, his armor clanking with every step.

"Donatello was unwise to allow this girl to roam alone. Tell Stockman to inject this one with serum #8," Shredder ordered as he gripped your face with one strong hand. "And I want you as her personal trainer."

You saw Tiger Claw's grin return, wider and more frightening then you could ever recall.
 So, assuming that this might be the last time you have a smidge of free will and independent action, you glared at Shredder and spat on his helmet. It hit his good eye and he stumbled back, turning away from you and yanking off his helmet to wipe off the spit.

"Tiger Claw, take her to to Stockman! NOW!" He bellowed, clearly enraged with your final act of defiance. Tiger Claw nodded and picked you up by the collar of your shirt, walking down the dark steps. You felt his breath on the back of your neck, and when he growled in your ear, you flinched.

"Master Shredder will not forget that action. And because I am now your personal trainer, it will be my job to make your life unbearable."

As Baxter Stockman's lab came to view, along with two other girls strapped to tables, you realized that Donnie might not get here on time.


"Turn!" Your trainer, Tiger Claw, commands, holding his paws behind his back as he observes you.
Immediately, you spin around and land a roundhouse kick to the Foot bot approaching you. It flies back, breaking in half upon hitting the far wall. You turn back, the training session over, and smirk.

"Excellent session, Dōbutsu. Now come, Master Shredder has ordered something special for you."

You nod and follow Tiger Claw, staying five steps behind as always.


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