Peace In Soul

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Raphael didn't really say much before he left with his brothers

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Raphael didn't really say much before he left with his brothers. Just a moment of eye contact and a curt nod. You weren't sure how he felt about this.. quest to find balance with nature. He always seemed agitated by everything.

At the moment, you're washing the dishes after lunch. Casey and April are outside, training, although it sounds more like trash-talk.

You scrub the plates and cups, rinse them, then place them in the drain board. You move away to wipe off the table, when you trip on the mop and hit your head on the table, hard, blacking out.

Next thing you know, you're in a cave. With teeth-like structures and torches around. A pool is in the middle, and someone swims in.

"Raph?" You whisper, your voice bouncing around before fading. He doesn't seem the hear you as he climbs out, in armor. You have to admit, he looks cool.

You walk over, hearing him talk to himself.

"So much for finding a hidden pirate ship. Waste of time." He mutters, and you chuckle.

"Huh. Someone must be here keeping those torches lit." Raph comments, when Foot bots step out if the dark, revealing themselves and their spears on fire.

You step back, standing beside Raph. He grins, flames sprouting up from his hands, lining the blades in his hands.

You watch him tear through the robots like nothing, with an entertained grin plastered to his face.

"I'd be way more into this spiritual quest if I knew I'd be kicking some foot around!" He chuckles, finishing the last bot by blasting it with his fire. You smile and open your mouth to speak, when Raph looks at the pool behind you, where something is bubbling up. The fish with robot legs jumps out, landing in front of Raphael.

"Fish Face, here?" Raph questions.

"That temper festers fast underwater, doesn't it?" Fish Face remarks in a thick Jamaican accent.

"What'd he say?" You speak, confused.

Fish Face jumps up and grabs Raph, leaping into the water with him. He has the upper hand, moving quick underwater, and beating Raph senseless.

Raph is thrown out of the cave pool and on the hard rock, panting. You run over and place a hand on his shell, but it goes right through. You gasp in shock, while Raphael recovers.

He gets to his knees, taking in a sharp breath.
"Deep breath. Splinter's right. I need to concentrate, and focus my anger," Raph stands and brings his hands together, breathing deeply. You're standing next to him, realizing he can't see you.

"Sharpen it. Give it form." He opens his brilliant green eyes, filled with determination. His hands light up with bright red flames, turning the metal on his weapon red. His eyes go white as Fish Face returns from the water.

"Ready for another swim? I'll bet you're toys don't work so well underwater."

At that, Raphael spins around and charges the mutant, aiming for the stomach. When Raph's blades meet his body, Fish Face turns into a puff of red smoke, and Raph grins as his flames disintegrate.

"Hah, eat it." He boasts, and you grin. You run up to him and try to hug him, forgetting about you being a ghost, and go right through. So, you stand in front of him and smile, unable to tell him how proud you are.

Raph lets out a heavy sigh, and looks around, his eyes meeting yours as they reveal confusion.
"Y-Y/n?" Raph speaks with a breathy voice, seeing you as a spirit of red.

"Good job Raphie." You smirk, just before you wake up.


You stand, holding your head and feeling groggy. Your head is pounding, and you feel a large bump on your forehead. You sigh and go the bathroom to clean it up.

Afterwards, you run outside, finding April and Casey smack-talking each other like there's no tomorrow.

"I swear Re- whoa, hey.. Y/n, what happened?" Casey inquires, squinting at the bandage covering your bump.

"I hit my head. Are the guys back?" You ask, only for Casey to point behind you.

There they are, dressing in their armor, with banners decorated with special Japanese symbols.

"It's time. We're going back to New York." Leo informs you all.

Raph walks up to you, his eyes far off and confused, like he's remembering some distant memory.

"Um.. hi Peanut." He greets you with an unsure demeanor, and you smirk.

"Hi Raph. Sorry about not finding that pirate ship."

Hearing that, his eyes grow wide, and his mouth opens and closes like a fish as he tries to reply.

You don't wait for him, and spin on your heel, heading to the farm house.

Raph chuckles as he watches you leave.

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