Wake Up

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"Y/n.. it's Mikey," Michelangelo sighs, on his knees beside your bed, his chin resting on his hands. You don't know this, of course, but you know he's close, right next to you.

"I screwed up again. I just.. I was having fun while I was watching Crognard The Barbarian. And.. I made a big mess. Then my brothers came in and yelled at me. So.. I'm leaving."

Mikey takes your hand in his and stares at it.
"They don't want me, or need me. It's better if I left."

With another sigh, Mikey stands and kisses your cheek.
"Bye bye Sunshine."

-Mikey, Mikey no! Come back! No, please don't leave!- You try with all your might to do something, to speak, scream, shout, whisper, anything if you can make Mikey stay.

You hear the door close.

It's too late to stop him.


An hour or so later, you hear the Turtles return. They walk in the living room to check on Mikey, and discover he's gone, leaving the mess for them. They think he's goofing around somewhere, just trying to get out of his chores. How wrong they are.

They clean up and go out to search for Mikey. You mentally groan, and hope they find him.


A day and a half. That's how long Mikey's been gone.

The Turtles, April and Casey go searching again, while you are stuck on your bed of unknown color.

You have nothing to do when you're alone. Sometimes you dream up stuff, scenes, imagine what the room you're in is like. Just pass the time until the Turtles, April and Casey return.

When they finally did, without Mikey, they start talking about a mess outside. That's when strangers arrive. How many, you don't know, a lot. One speaks in a strange, croaky voice, and talks about freeing the reptiles.

-"Free the reptiles?" Do they mean the Turtles?-

You hear shouts and stomping, grunts and groans, and the croaky voice shouting orders. Leo calls for everyone to go to the farm house.

The voice then accuses the humans, April, Casey and you of holding the Turtles here against their will. Leo and Donnie deny this, and the strangers grow furious, attacking the house and calling the Turtles traitors.

You hear crashing, more grunts and strikes landing.

To your surprise, an especially loud crash sounds to your left. You feel cold hands pick you up and throw you over your shoulder. Your mind turns to panic, and you finally move. Your e/c eyes open, full of terror and anger, and you pound on the back of the being taking you away. It's cold and wet, almost slimy, and looking at it, it's green, with black spots. It's when you hear a loud 'ribbit' that realization dawns on you.

-Mutant frogs.-

"LET ME GO YOU OVERGROWN SLIME BALL! I SWEAR, WHEN I GET OUT OF THIS YOU'RE GONNA WISH YOU WERE NEVER MUTATED!" You blurt out, telling yourself that you'll enjoy the feeling of speaking again once you're out of this.

The frog pays no attention to you, and jumps down the stairs. The adrenaline rush blinds you, and you don't notice the other frogs, the fact you're finally out of that room, or the Turtles fighting around you.

"If you let me go, I'll ask Raph to go easy on you. He won't listen, but I'll still ask." You try to bait the frog soldier, but you get nothing.

The frog walks through a hallway, all while you're pounding on his slimy back. When Raph lands two inches in front of you, you finally notice him, and where you are. You're a little too shocked to speak, staring straight into Raph's neon green eyes with your wide e/c eyes.

"Y/n!" He finally speaks, with bewilderment. You smile shakily, when your frog-napper runs outside, and jumps off, along with all the other frogs, leaving with you, April and Casey.


You're stuck in a weird looking cage, in an enormous tree fort. Your legs are still weak, so you're stuck sitting on the cage floors

"Y/n?" You hear a familiar voice call you. You look down and see Mikey running to you.

"Mikey!" You shout.

"What are you doing?! Let my friends go!" He orders, and the frog king huffs.

"Fwiends? You said they kept you hostage!" The frog king bellows, thinking that Michelangelo is a liar, which he sorta is.

Infuriated, the frog king has Mikey thrown in your cage.

"Y/n, I'm so sorry. I messed up, again." Mikey frowns, sitting next to you. You smile softly and hug him.

"I forgive you Mikey. You did what you could. I'm sure the others will be here any-"

Before you finish your sentence, Donnie comes crashing down from higher branches, landing on a frog soldier.

"Ehehe, well.. this is awkward." He grins sheepishly, and you chuckle. Leo swoops down and kicks two frog soldiers, and Donnie jumps up.

Mikey cheers his brothers on while they leap, dodge and battle the mutant frogs. Leo leaps around and crashes a frog on the floor, momentarily holding his knee in pain. The king frog jumps up and tries to land a strike, but Leo jumps out if the way.

A lone frog stumbles towards you and Mikey, and Mikey calls for him to help. The frog attempts to jump up to you and Mikey, but is stopped by another frog. They speak for a moment, when the frog drops down, spins and kicks the frog, sending him flying back. Then the frog jumps up and frees you and Mikey.

"Awesome moves Napoleon!" Mikey praises.

"Thanks. I learned it from the second best warrior I know." Napoleon replies.

Mikey high fives his friend, then pulls you close by the waist, and jumps down. He leaves to free April and Casey, so you limp around, dodging mutant frogs and trying not to fall.

Donnie lands in front of you and and gasps, pulling you in a hug.
"Y/n! You're back!"

You barely have time to hug back when Donnie pulls you out of the way and runs after a frog. You decide to find a way down when you see the fire. Blazing, tall and mighty, eating away at the giant tree you're in. You gasp, and stumble back.

Frogs squeal as they run from the fire eating away at their home, and you struggle to run with them. You crash into Raph, and grab his arm.

"Raph! Raph, you have to stop the fire!" You exclaim. Raph nods and steps forward, holding his hands out to the flames. They flicker and reach out to him, swallowing him up. They seem to calm and retreat, and you start to calm down, when they explode in blazing flames, burning brighter than before. Raph is pushed out, and stumbles to you.

"Too much heat.. too many flames." He mutters, and you sling his arm over your shoulder, letting him lean on you.

"It's ok. You tried your best." You assure him.

In the chaos, you and Raph manage to get to the ground, as do the others. The giant tree burns to the ground, all that's left is a pile of ashes.
The frog king comes to an understanding, and they leave.

You sigh in relief, glad that that's over. Leo comes forward, limping as well, and hugs you tight.

"I trust you slept well?" He jokes, and you laugh.

"Yeah, and I never want to sleep again."

"C'mon guys! We need to get home and celebrate!" Mikey smiles enthusiastically.

YEAAAH! You're finally awake!

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