Leo's Fail

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You climbed out of your window from your new home at April's, on your way to the Lair. April wasn't feeling well, as she had eaten some bad food, so you were alone.
You climbed down to the alley, with the unsettling feeling of watchful eyes trained to your being. You tried to ignore it, and quickly left the alley, stepping into the crowded sidewalk. You ducked around fellow New Yorkers, then made a sharp left into another alley, where a manhole lay before you; the manhole leading to the Turtles Lair. You squat down and try to move the steel cover, but it was just too heavy for you. You usually had April to help, and your strength combined would be just enough to move the cover.
Lost in thought, trying to solve this problem, you didn't hear two large green feet land in front of you, or the steel and cement grinding together as the lid was moved for you. When you snapped out of your trance, you saw the gaping hole leading down to the sewers, and it was then that you looked up, your e/c eyes meeting Leo's kind cobalt blue.

"Oh, hi Leo." You smiled, standing. He smiled back, a little flustered, although you didn't notice.
"What are you doing out in daylight?" You question with concern. Were one of the others injured? Did something happen? Flooding? Intruders? No more toilet paper?

"I was going to check on you.. and April, when she called me about her current condition." Leo replied, adding the part about checking on you and April almost too quickly. You didn't know what to make of this strange behavior, and decided to keep an eye on him.

"Oh. Thanks, for caring," you smiled, and Leo blushed, "well, let's go." You climbed down the manhole, leaving a momentarily stunned Leo, who soon followed after. He walked next to you, close, but not so much that it felt weird for you. He stared down at you in the dim light, smiling to himself. You glanced at him, and he averted his eyes forward, pretending he wasn't admiring your features.

"So... how've you been?" Leo asked, trying his best to break the awkward silence without doubling the awkwardness. To be fair, this was a new experience for him. Sure, he had his awkward moments with Karai, but not like this.

You chuckled at him, always so adorable, no matter how hard he tried not to be.
"Fine. Between the twelve hours I haven't seen you guys, I joined a gang-"

"WHAT?!" Leo bellowed, jumping in front of you with a face of pure panic.

"Joking." You stated, grinning. Leo relaxed, and chuckled.

"You really got me that time." He admits as you continue on your way.

"Yeah, I seem to have a knack for it." You grinned again, rounding the last corner before you arrive to the Lair.

"Yeah.." Leo trailed off as you sped up, meeting the others at the entrance, all excited for your arrival. The blue clad turtle watched as Donnie lead you to the Lab, ranting about his latest invention. You smiled as you listened, that smile that stayed in Leo's mind, no matter what he tried to get rid of it. You took over his life. He couldn't meditate without seeing you drift around his head, his dreams consisted of you, he couldn't even eat breakfast without wondering what you were eating!
Sighing, Leo walked to the dojo and sat, closing his eyes in yet another attempt to meditate, that he was sure would fail, again. He sensed someone kneel beside him, and secretly hope it was you. When he opened his eyes, he discovered it was his father. Master Splinter opened his own eyes and looked to his eldest son.

"You are troubled, Leonardo?" He observed, and Leo sighed once more.

"That obvious, huh?"

Splinter merely nodded.

Leo furrowed his brow as he told Splinter of his dilemma.
"I don't know what to do. She's constantly on my mind. Constantly!" Leo paused a moment before adding, "Am I ill, Sensei?"

Splinter chuckled.
"No, my son, you are not ill."

Leo waited for his father to finish, but he didn't. That was all Splinter would tell him.
"Well, then what am I?"

"A humanoid turtle." Splinter replied. Leo thought that was all Splinter would say, and huffed, clearly not amused with Splinters sarcastic remark.

"With human emotions," Splinter continued, "and just like humans, you must unravel the mysteries of your emotions on your own. Remember to trust yourself, and do not let your emotions, however large they may be, control your actions." Splinter finished, and Leo nodded.

"Yes, Sensei."


-Nothing can be easy, can it?- Leo thought as he listened to you talking with Raph.
-I can't just have a straightforward answer. It always has to be difficult.- Leo frowned, but it was soon replaced with a smile as he heard you begin to describe the book you were currently reading. Yes, he was eavesdropping. And yes, he was hiding from you in the dojo. No, he was not.. well, yeah, actually, he was chicken. But he tried not to dwell on that.

Right now Leo was appearing to meditate while he listened to you with great interest. He could hear you smiling, that special ring in one's voice, the joy, that just tells you that they're happy, that they're smiling. He could tell that the subject you were on was an important one to you, one that you held in high regard, that you were very passionate about. Leo sighed, ashamed of himself for acting so cowardly to a ordinary girl. Sucking in a breath, he stood and made his way out, mentally encouraging himself. But, once he saw you, he remembered something extremely important: you were no ordinary girl.

"Hey Leo!" Mikey called, running up to him. Hearing his name, you looked up and smiled to him, and Leo meekly smiled back.

"Y-yeah, Mikey?"

"I need your help. Me an Ice Cream Kitty are-"

"Sorry, I'm a little busy. Can I get back to you?" Leo cut in hurriedly. Mikey frowned and shrugged, running back to the kitchen. Leo then ran into the Lab, leaving you and Raph, who was sitting beside you, clueless to his strange behavior.
When he heard someone enter, Donnie turned away from his desk to be met with Leonardo.

"Uh.. hey Leo, what's up?" Donnie questioned warily, noticing the blush lingering on his older brothers face.

"Uh... n-nothing. I-I'm f-fine." Leo answered quickly, peeking out of the Lab and into the living room.

"O-k." Donatello replied, clearly not convinced. Leo groaned in annoyance. He needed to get a hold of himself, pronto.

(Thanks for the suggestions!!)

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