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You awoke feeling yourself moving, and peeked open your eyes, finding yourself staring up at Donatello, with the nights sky behind him. You tap his shoulder, and he glances down at you with his spiced brown eyes, which, upon seeing you, sparkle in delight.

"Evening, Flower." He spoke, and you saw from the corner of your eye that the others were running with you.

"Are we.. going back?" You yawn, and Donnie nods, fighting the urge to yawn with you.

"Yup. I have a few gadgets to keep intruders out, so you can sleep in peace tonight." You smile, and close your eyes to catch a few more minutes of sleep.
After a while Donnie wakes you, and you stand on your roof once more, still a little drowsy. Donnie has Mikey stay with you, since you look like you could fall back asleep at any moment, while he places his invention where it needs to be.

At first glance, it looks like a trashcan. Which it was, until Donnie got a hold of it. He places it on your fire escape, in front of your window, and whispers: "silver bow."
That initiates defensive mode, and it rattles for a moment before beeping twice, signaling its operational. Donnie then throws a ninja star, which is deflected when it comes close to your window, and flies back to the building next door, embedded in the brick. Donnie smiles and calls for Mikey to bring you down, after murmuring the disengage code, "bronze arrow."
Mikey keeps you steady as you walk down the metal steps, and climb in your room, where Leo is plugging a silver mini fridge and microwave in, with four grocery bags full of food. Raph helps Leo pack away the food, then they all give you a goodbye hug, saying they'll be back tomorrow evening to make sure everything is ok.

You collapse in your bed, letting sleep embrace you once more.


You were drawn out of your dreams when bright rays of sunlight hit your eyelids, and you reluctantly opened them, noticing all your pillows and blankets were on the floor. You sit up and yawn, rubbing your eyes, then make your bed before spotting a piece of paper on your side table. Opening it, it was instructions for the shield outside, the T- shield as Mikey called it.
Everything seemed fine, until you realise you had a serious problem.
Where in the world were you going to use bathroom?!
If you were lucky, it was possible there was a bathroom on the other side of your door.

You walked over to it, and filled with determination and desperation for a bathroom, you held the doorknob while slamming yourself in the door, and the door fell to the floor. You looked up, and smiled. You didn't care that your bedroom door was pretty much useless, because there it was, the bathroom, in all its glory. Unlocked!
When you were finished, you inched closer to the door that lead to the kitchen, living room, and downstairs. You opened it cautiously, and coughed at the intense amount of dust in the air. The apartment looked like it hadn't been used in years. You closed the door and locked it, since there was no reason to linger out there. You were lucky that the bathroom worked, and that it was even unlocked.
You returned to your room and made yourself busy by organizing your closet, eating a quick snack, and cleaning your room a little bit. When there was nothing else to do, you went up to the roof, watching the people rush along down below. You saw, across the street was a noodle shop called 24/7.

'I wonder how the food is there..' You thought, when you're interrupted by someone, who was in fact Michelangelo, picking you up and spinning you around.

"Surprise Sunshine!" He chirped, giving you a tight hug.

"Mikey! Put her down!" Raph commands, and Mikey does as ordered, albeit reluctantly, and Raph places a hand on your shoulder to steady you.

"H-hey.. guys.." you murmur, holding your head, feeling quite dizzy.

"Hey guys, look! It's Mr. Murakami's place! Isn't that lucky!" Mikey exclaims, jumping up and down.

"Whoa, awesome! We were gonna pick up some pizza gyōza after we checked on you, but it looks like we could get it right now!" Leo beams, sweeping you up without a word before the group travel to the noodle shop, and enter through the back door.

"Ah, boys, you have come early. The pizza gyōza will be ready in a moment." An elderly man with grey hair was in the kitchen, and a delicious smell was coming from there.

"He might not notice you at first. He's blind." Mikey informed you, and you nodded.
You and the turtles sat at a table, and soon the man came out with a plate full of what looked like dumplings. He sat them down, and turned his head to you.

"You have a new friend?" Mr Murakami remarks, and Leo swallows his gyōza to speak.

"Yes Mr. Murakami San.. this is Y/n. Y/n, Mr. Murakami."

You smiled.

Mr Murakami chuckled and set down a plate of pizza gyōza.

"Welcome, Y/n. Do enjoy. I will be in the kitchen if you need me."

The rest responded with muffled 'thank you's while they wolfed down the delicious dumplings. You ate quietly, watching as Mikey finished and belched, Leo grabbed seconds, Donnie grabbed thirds, and Raph licked his plate clean. You smiled and popped another dumpling in your mouth.

After eating, you and the turtles were about to head out, when some sort of commotion was heard in the kitchen. The turtles left you behind to investigate, and you tried to wait, but your curiosity got the better of you, and you timidly peeked in.

There you saw a battle commence, between the turtles and the Purple Dragons, and from what it looked like, the turtles were winning.

You saw Donnie dodge his attacks with ease, then whack his attacker in the head and gut with his bo staff, and finally a leg sweep, causing the PD to fall to the floor.

Leo deflected his enemies strikes, slicing the bat being used on him in two, and taking down the gang member with a side kick to the gut, taking out Raph's opponent.

Mikey was grinning from ear to ear as he flipped and jumped away from attacks, causing his enemy to grow more infuriated by the second. When Mikey finally had enough, he hit his attacker in the head with his nunchucks, and the punk fell to the floor.

Mr Murakami thanked the turtles and gave them extra pizza gyōza, then the turtles returned to you.

"Wow, that was amazing!" You praised, and they blushed, aside from Mikey, who just grinned wider.

"I-it was nothing.. really." Leo replied, and Raph scooped you up as they jumped and flipped to your apartment once more.

"Ok.. you have enough food, right? And, oh, you got the bathroom open. Shower works.. ok, good.. are you sure you don't need anything?" Donnie fussed, and you chuckled, patting his hand.

"I'll be fine."

They all smile and hug you tight before departing, and you watch them run, flip and jump from rooftop to rooftop, until they can't be seen.

"I'm very lucky.." you whisper.

(I had no ideas for the codes, so I just did something random. *shruggity shrug* Bye!)

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