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Now back in the Lair, everything seems to be returning to normal. The turtles go on patrol, kick some bad guy butt. You, April and Casey visit. That's as normal as it gets.

You're currently topside with April, on your way to the Lair.

"So, Y/n," April starts, chewing on her lip nervously, "I've got some bad news.."

You stop walking with April, expecting something horrible.

"Our apartment was destroyed during the invasion.. so we have to move." April flinches after she speaks.

"Oh, ok." Is all you say, releasing the breath you were holding in. "I thought it was death or something. Where'll we be moving to?"

April stares at the sidewalk.
"The only place we've found is really small, with two bedrooms.. I-I hate to say this.."

You place a hand on her shoulder, understanding.
"It's ok, I'm sure I can find a place."

April looks guilty, like she just kicked a puppy.
"I'm really sorry, Y/n! My dad and I looked everywhere, but.." she hugs herself, thinking. "Hey wait! I've got it!" She grins, her face lighting up with excitement. She takes your hand and drags you through the streets, all the way to the Lair. When she finally let's you go, you're out of breath, leaning over with your hands on your knees.

"Wh-what what th-that for?" You huff, straightening your shirt.

"Just trust me, and follow my lead-- ahem-- OH Y/N I'M SO SORRY, PLEASE FORGIVE ME!" April shouts, hugging you and crying dramatically. You don't know how to respond, so you pat her back.

"I- um.. I forgive you, April, I understand how hard this must be." You reply, confused.

"I-I just.. I tried so hard to find a place where you could live too, but--" she bursts into a fit of ugly crying with snorts and sobs. The turtles runs out, thinking the worst.

"April," Donnie speaks first, "what's wrong? Why are you crying?"

April wipes her nose before she answers.
"M-me a-and my dad h-have to m-move, a-and we c-can't find a-an apartment big e-enough for u-us and Y-Y/n." She starts fake crying again, hiding her face in your sweater. You just roll your eyes and pat her back.

-Awfully dramatic.- You think.

"Oh, could we help in any way?" Leo inquires.

"Well now that you mention it," April stands straight, all sighs of grief vanishing. "Maybe Y/n could stay with you guys, like I did."

The turtles look at one another, mentally deciding if that's a good idea or not, it seems.

"I don't see why not." Leo finally replies, smiling happily. You smile back, and April sends you a sly smirk.

"Well then, we should get your things, Y/n." She says, grabbing your hand again and dragging you along. You wave to the boys before you're out of sight.

Once you and April have gone, Raph, Donnie and Mikey turn to Leo.


"You've gotta tell Splinter." Raph remarks.

"I thought we were all gonna tell him." Leo responds.

"Tell me what?" Splinter speaks, stepping out of the shadows. He's still holding a feather duster, narrowing his eyes as he observes his four sons.

"Well, Sensei, April just-- we were-- Donnie! You tell him!" Leo pushes his brother forward, and Donnie chuckles nervously.

"Well, A-April just told us th-that her and her father couldn't f-find a home big enough for them and Y-Y/n, a-and she suggested th-that Y/n lives with u-us, for the time being.." Donnie stops and looks at his father.

"And you said..?" Master Splinter presses on.

"We said yes, Sensei." Leo answers. The turtles wait for their father to scold them for.. something, but instead he smiles.

"Good. We will prepare a room for her after we've finished cleaning."

Splinter leaves, heading to the dojo. The turtles look at each other in shock.

"That went better than I expected." Mikey smiles, hopping on his skateboard and rolling around the Lair as he cleans.


Later on, you and April carry two boxes of your stuff, while Casey pulls a wagon full of different sizes boxes. As you come closer to the Lair, Casey starts whining.

"Hooooow much loooonger?" He speaks with a shrill voice. You groan, ready to drop the box you're holding and punch him.

"Not much, just, please, stop whining." April begs as you all round the corner.

"Hey guys! Just put the stuff right there. We're almost done!" Leo greets you at the entrance. You happily set down the box, and Casey drops the pulley with a huff, running to join Mikey on the tv.

"Thanks for helping me out, April. I would've never thought to ask the guys." You smile, and April smiles back.

"I know."

You sigh, knowing very well that there's a hidden meaning in her remark.

Suddenly, a warm hand grabs yours and pulls you into the Lair. You look back to see April as surprised as you are, and holding back her laughter. You then turn to your front, and see Mikey is the one dragging you away.

"C'mon Y/n! You've got to see your room! I helped paint it!"

You smile at his enthusiasm and run with him. He takes you up to where he and his brother's rooms are. He stops at the very end, where the door is open slightly, and a soft light is coming from inside. Mikey let's your hand go and pushes open the door. A series of "Mikey no!" follow, and you see Leo tumble off a ladder.

"Mikey! We weren't finished yet!" Raph growls, and Mikey shrinks back.

You enter the room, wide eyed and amazed. The walls, even the sloped ceiling are painted f/c, and a bed is in the corner. There's a desk to your left, with a lamp on it. Leo picks himself off the floor, and they watch as you look around with a starstruck gaze.

"Guys.. this- this is too much. You didn't have to paint.. and where did you find this bed?"

"Spare parts and an old mattress," Donnie answers. "I made the frame, desk and chair. No biggie."

You beam and walk over to hug each of them, hugging Donnie a second longer. Donnie blushes and he hugs back, and you chuckle to yourself.

"Thank you all. I don't know how I'll be able to repay you."

Leo smiles, shaking his head.
"No need, Y/n. We did this cause we wanted to. C'mon guys, let's get her stuff in."

Splinter knocks on the door frame, and you turn to see him looking around the room with just as much shock as you had.

"I was going to ask if the room is to your liking, but I can see it is."

You smile, testing the bed springs.
"You don't mind me staying for a while?"

Splinter chuckles, shaking his head.
"Please, stay as long as you wish."


Unpacked and all settled in that night, you stare up at the ceiling, with glow in the dark stars glued to it. Some are small, and others are large, but they all send a joyful feeling to you. You smile, imaging Mikey on the ladder, sticking the stars up there.
You turn to your side in your new bed, smiling as you grow sleepy.

You can't imagine what's going to happen next.

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