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Heeyyyyy!! Chapter 70! Enjoy!!


"They WHAT!?" Shredder shouts as he jumps up from his throne at the news.

"Th-th-they let them g-g-go, Mazzzzter ZZZZhredder.." Buzz Kill repeats fearfully. "I-I-I did tell you they might've needed more t-time.." he adds with a low voice.

"Such betrayal must be punished. Have all four prepared for training, and afterwards, The Chair." Shredder orders with a dark voice and frightening glare. Buzz Kill nods and quickly flies out and down to the Laboratory where the four are waiting.


"He's gonna torture us again.." Iro mumbles with a low, depressed voice as she leans back on her cell wall. "I heard Stockman mutter something about a chair. That should be fun," she sighs softly and looks down at the grey floor.

"I've felt all the pain in the world! Nothing can hurt me anymore!" Electrica repeats for the fiftieth time in a shrill, insane tone. Hikari groans wearily.

"SHUT UP ELECTRICA! The guys all shocked us today, especially you! Leonardo—"

"DON'T SAY HIS NAME!" Electrica suddenly screams as tears stream down her face. "It only makes the screams inside my head louder!" She says before bursting into ugly sobs and shaky gasps of breath.

Dōbutsu frowns as she lays on her tree branch in the form of a panther, one leg and arm hanging lazily in the air. She has nothing to add to the confused, conflicted words of her brainwashed teammates.

Iro watches Electrica cry with dull, emotionless eyes. She's spent hours crying, and has no more tears to shed.

Hikari turns away from Electrica and sits in the middle of the room. Her eyes glow yellow as she sees only black.

Stockman was right. They weren't ready. No matter how many times they mutate, mind control and brain worm them, something will stop them from actually killing the guys. A shred of their former selves. A small flicker of the love they once held for them. A small voice in their mind that shouts for joy when they see the guys.

They can still be saved.
But the guys have to hurry.


After hours upon hours of brutal, merciless training with Tiger Claw, BeBop, Rocksteady and Fish Face, the girls are dragged into four separate cells and strapped into chairs. Electrica feels her body tremble with fear. Iro cries silent as she tries to prepare for the hours of pain ahead. Dōbu growls at Stockman as he flies by, her eyes wild and filled with hate. Hikari simply sits and waits. Struggling is pointless. So is shouting. Crying appears weak. Growling shows aggression and barely any self control. Doing nothing, appearing unfazed and unaffected by what is to come can freak someone out.

Shredder watches with cold eyes as it begins. Each one has a different type of torture in the chair. Their screams and their neighbors screams ring in their ears.

"No one shall save you," Shredder growls.

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