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You slept for two full days after being revived in the Lab. Leo stayed by your side for as long as possible, and when you awoke, he was overjoyed.

"I was so worried about you," he mumbles as he hugs you tight, burying his face in your neck. You blush deeply and pat his shell awkwardly.

"I-I missed you too.." you reply with an unsure and confused voice.

-Where did I go?? And for how long?- You wonder, frowing when you can't remember anything besides a great date with Leo and a trip to the store.

Leo pulls away and looks at you puzzled.
"Y/n, are you ok? You don't sound... well.. not normal, of course.. I guess that's to be expected after all of that.." he frowns at he tries to think of the right words to describe you.

"I'm fine.. I just.." you bite your lip before admitting. "I have no idea why you're so relieved to see me, or why you're being so cuddly."

Leo's eyes widen, and he blinks several times.
"Nothing? At all?" He asks with surprise.

"Nothing. At all." You repeat.

"Oh.. well, I guess that's a good thing.. I mean... I can't imagine what could've happened in there.. it's probably better that you forgot.." he sits next to you on the bed and wraps his arm around your shoulders. "You've been missing for a while, and we've been searching high and low for you. So, that's an excuse for my clingy-ness," he explains with a shy smile. You smile back and kiss his cheek.

"Well I'm happy to be back," you whisper, your smile growing at his dark blush.

"Hey sweetheart. I just got back from training," Raph sighs tiredly, entering his room and putting his Sais away. "I kicked Mikey's shell, as usual.." he smirks slightly, glancing at your peaceful face with soft green eyes. He walks over and takes your hand, gently rubbing his thumb over your soft skin.
"Please wake up, Y/n.." he whispers.

The next night, you do, as well as scare the crap out of Raph.

"Raph!" You shout, sitting up suddenly, your eyes wide and your heart beating quickly.

"AAUGHH! Sewer apples!" Raph curses, jumping up and hitting his head on the bedside table. You jump and slowly lean over the bed to see him rubbing his head and frowning with pain.

"Raphie?" You speak softly. Raph looks at you and his frown melts away to a grin as he stands and takes the breathing mask off of your face.

"Heya sweetheart," he whispers, sitting next to you. You smile as his arms wrap around you, and soon you both fall asleep, safe and warm in each others arms.

Things are... weird at first.

The morning after Donnie brings you back to the Lair, he wakes up in his room, when he vividly remembers falling asleep on his desk in the Lab. And looking up, he sees you sitting on top of him, in the form of a.. wolf? No, dog.

"Donnie! You're awake!" You grin, kissing his cheek. He blushes deeply and looks up at you confused.

"Y/n..? H-how long have you been staring at me?" He questions hesitantly.

"Only a few minutes," you smile, showing off some fairly sharp canines.

"A-and why are you sitting o-on me?" He inquires, his blush darkening at his stutter.

You shrug in response.
"You kinda hog the bed, so.." you trail off. Donnie now notices your tail wagging happily, and he glances up at you with a raised brow.

"And the reason you've shapeshifted into a dog?"

"I'm feeling playful this morning!" You reply with a tone eerily similar to Mikey's.

"So your shapeshifting is based on current emotions.. interesting," he mumbles.

You respond by kissing his cheek again with a cheerful grin, causing his face to explode with red.


Mikey grins as he cuddles you on the couch the next day, watching the Chris Bradford show with your favorite snacks and drinks. You blush and giggle softly as he nuzzles your neck lovingly.

"Want s'more popcorn, sweetpea?" He offers the popcorn bowl with a cheerful smile.

"Sure," you smile and take a handful of popcorn, kissing his forehead afterwards. Mikey blushes and chuckles, hugging you close as he watches the show.

"I missed you so much," he mumbles. You cuddle closer to him and sigh.

"Me too, Mikester." You whisper your reply.

(Is it just me, or does my writing seem to really stink at 4:30 AM? I dunno. I'm really tired. But strangely {DR. STRANGEly} I didn't feel a tiny but tired 30 minutes ago. Ah well.)

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