First Date: Raph

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Raphael paced inside his dark room, the light of his flames casting flickering shadows on his walls. He gnawed on his nails, tapping his foot as he stopped in the middle of his room, his neon green eyes glued to the floor in thought. With a shake of his head, he went back to pacing, his flames burning brighter to reveal his frustration inside.

"No, no, no, she would never like that!" He muttered to himself, falling back on his bed. "Why the heck can't I figure out where to take Y/n!?" Raph grumbled. He watched as the shadows danced across his ceiling and walls, feeling the heat of his flames on his face. The longer he watched, the more realization grew in his features. Finally, he sat up with a wide grin.
"AHA!" He exclaimed, blazing out of his room.


"Oooh, you can set yourself on fiiiiire~ but you're never gonna burn, burn, burn~!" You sang happily, dancing around your room as you tidied up as much as you could will yourself to. You heard the creak of your door being opened, and you smirked as you pretended not to hear.
"And I said... Heeeey! Heeey! If crazy = genius! Heeeey! Heeey! If crazy = genius!" You spun around and locked eyes with Raphael, his jaw hanging and his green eyes wide with wonder.
"Hi Raph," you chuckled at his face, causing him to blush and try to cover it up.

"H-Hey Y/n," he began nervously, clearing hu throat before continuing. "I-I came to a-ask you, um.. i-if you wanted to, y'know, go on a d-date?"

You blinked in surprise, a smile creeping up your face.

"I would. I-I mean, I'd love to!" You replied happily, to which Raph smiled and scooped you up in a hug. Your smile only grew as he blurted out what to wear and when he'd get you before running out of your room. You chuckled to yourself before getting ready.


At the time Raphael said, you were good and ready in a comfortable and warm shirt, jeans and your favorite shoes.

You messed with a lock of your hair while you waited, until a large, green, gentle hand took your and a pair of lips kisses your cheek. You looked up and smiled at Raph, who returned the gesture.

"H-hey Y/n.. you look a-amazing," he scratched the back of his neck, swinging your joined hands slightly.

"Thanks Raphie," you smiled shyly as a blush threatened to show.

Raph chuckled nervously, glancing at you with a sheepish smile.
"Soooo.. you ready to go?"

You nodded, walking out with him, excited for what he has planned.

Raph takes you across the city, far from big buildings and people, finally stopping on the rooftop of an abandoned building. You look around, spying a warm blanket and a large chair for two.

"I know its not much but.." Raph trailed off as he pulled out a bag of marshmallows and sticks. "I thought we could have s'mores and.. I dunno, stare at the stars?"

He smiled hesitantly, and all you could do is grin as you nodded.

"Sounds great."

He grinned and handed you the stuff before his hand burst into flames, making you jump in surprise. He chuckled lightly as you smiled sheepishly and roasted the first squishy white piece of cloud, turning it slowly to cook it evenly.

"What are you doing?" Raph questioned after 30 seconds of this.

"Roasting my marshmallow," You replied, keeping your eyes to the rotating white fluff. "What are you doing?"

"I'm burning, and watching you toast a marshmallow at a ridiculously slow speed," he answered, the flames on his hand jumping up and swallowing your treat, then shrinking back down for you to see it burnt.

"Hey! You burnt my marshie!" You whined, glaring at him.

"I roasted it! That how you roast a marshmallow!" He laughs, a real laugh, not like a sly chuckle or a seductive laugh, a real, genuine, happy laugh that you haven't heard in a long time. You smile, unable to stay upset, and blow on the marshmallow to cool it.

"Ok, ok. I'll try it," you giggle, glancing at him before preparing your s'more. Raph smiles as he watches you take a small bite, your eyes widening as your mind explodes. You quickly finish it and grin.

"That was the best s'more I ever had!"

Raph chuckled as he grabbed a marshmallow to roast for himself.
"I know. So much better than toasting it."

You roll your eyes as you watch him, smiling lightly after he ate it in an instant.

"So.. h-how are you l-liking this d-date, so far..?" He questioned hesitantly, his nervousness returning in all its adorableness.

"I love it. Nothing huge, just a fire, food and us. Perfect." You smile happily, leaning on him as you both stare up at the stars.


*Bows* I know, I'm taking forever. I could use the holiday madness as an excuse but.. Idk.

I like this picture. It's pretty.

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