The Mystery of Emotions

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Donnie couldn't take his eyes off you. His eyes were stuck to you, studying your features, taking in all they could.
As of that moment, you were asleep on Donnie's shoulder, watching a really lame horror movie before growing bored of it, and eventually falling asleep. You had captured Donatello's arm, hugging it like a stuffed animal, which he didn't mind in the least. He was glad that the others had fallen asleep too, so they couldn't tease him.

Donnie brushed a whisp of your hair away from your face, and you hummed in your sleep, hiding your face in his arm. He blushed, smiling down at you.

-She's so beautiful.. like an angel..- he thought, when April sat next to him, returning from the bathroom.

"Hey Don. What'd I miss?"

Donnie struggled to answer, as he hadn't been paying much attention to the movie.

"Uh.. n-nothing important." He replied. April nodded, and leaned against Donnie with her bowl of popcorn.

"Want some?" She asked, holding the bowl out while keeping her eyes on the tv.

Donnie stared at the red head with wide eyes, then looked to you, then back to April. Old and new feelings emerged, and Donnie felt overwhelmed. April was his first crush, the first girl he ever met really, but, you were something else entirely. Yes, April was kind, but you were even kinder, sweeter, amazing-er, smarter, the list went on and on.
He bit his lip as he tried to focus his eyes on the tv, and ignore the now two girls that had fallen asleep on him.


Later on, the turtles were on a Kraang/Mutagen hunt, passing by you and April's apartment. While the others flew by, Donnie stopped for a moment, looking in your bedroom window, where you slept.

He didn't understand his feelings. He could hack into Kraang computers, solve the most difficult of problems, but human emotions were an unsolved mystery to him, that he might never solve.

Donnie dropped his gaze, then lifted it again, taking another look. You were smiling in your sleep, a smile that shined like a thousand suns, that warmed Donatello to the core. Donnie could image that sparkle in your eyes that went with that smile, a playful spark that ignited a flame in Donnie's heart. Your hair, falling freely as it wished, looking soft and beautiful no matter what you did to it, that always smelled of flowers, that Donnie longed to touch, to caress, to decorate with flowers of his own creation. You were a rare beauty that Donnie had the privilege of admiring, an endangered flower that bloomed into an amazing young lady.

-I only wish she could be my flower..- Donnie thought, ignoring the pain in his heart. The pain when he reminded himself of what he was, and what you were. A freak, and a work of art. The beast, and the beauty. As much as he wished, hoped, prayed, longed, it was near impossible for you to be his. He felt his brothers had a better chance. What would you find in him? He was a monster. He didn't believe that you would love him in any other way then how you did now. As friends. As best friends, maybe.
He felt a sharp prick from his heart, a new feeling, he noted. It repeatedly jabbed at him, causing more pain. He felt tears well up in his eyes, but he fought them off. He smiled at you, a sad smile that held more emotions then anyone could describe. Then he left, catching up to his brothers, his mind swimming with lonely thoughts, with one to rule over them all.

-The girl I can never have.-

Meanwhile, back at your home, in your bedroom, you sat up from bed, looking at the ledge Donnie had stood on moments ago.

Yeah.. ok.. this was kinda sad.. and short... I hope you like it.
I'm not sure if the title is fitting or not. *shrug*

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