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Eyyyyy chapter 50 folks!!
Also thank you Silvaira for the awesome idea!!

You had recently been missing your horse, Charlie, for a couple days now. You missed brushing his coat, going on long, relaxing rides with him, sitting outside of his pen and ranting about life while he listened patiently. Soon, it began to show in your mood, to the concern of Raphael.

"Hey, Y/n?" Raph approaches you one day, while you were organizing the living room to pass the time.

"Yes, Raphie?" You smiled at him. His face heats up at your little nickname for him, puffs of grey smoke unfurling in the air around him, spawning from his green skin.

"A-ahem.. I-I notice you seem a little down lately.. anything I can do to help?" He reaches for your hand, and you meet his grasp halfway, lacing your fingers with his the best you can.

"You got a horse hidden in the Lair?" You chuckle, raising one eyebrow. Raph's face is riddled with confusion, causing you to laugh.
"I've been missing Charlie, my horse. But it's ok," you shrug with a small, clearly fake smile, "no big deal. Thanks for caring though." You squeeze his hand before going off to the Dojo, planning on practicing with your katana.

Raph furrows his brow, glancing at your retreating figure.
"It is a big deal to me," he mutters, thinking hard for a solution. After a moment, his eyes pop open, his irises contracting as an idea invades his mind. Without a single word, he dashes out, a grin spreading across his face.

-I gotta try to help Y/n. I gotta try..-


You received a text an hour later, with directions to someplace topside, from Raph. Unsure, you bring your katana and set out.

"Was this a good idea? Doubt it. Do I know this is really Raph and not a trap? Nope, not one bit. Why am I still walking? I have no idea." You quiz yourself as you walk, hugging yourself for warmth as you continue on. When you finally arrive, you gasp. You're standing before a petting zoo, pretty Christmas lights decorating the outside. Raph stands in the shadows, smiling at you as he leans on the doorway. You grin as you walk up.

"This this what I think it is?" You ask, barely keeping yourself from jumping up and down in delight.

"If you think this is an awesome second date, you'd be right," he smirks, and a blush joins your smile as you take his hand and walk in. He leads you straight to the largest pen, where a beautiful black horse stands, her eyes glued to you both as she eats some grain.

"Wow.. she's beautiful.." you murmur, walking in the pen and approaching her slowly. "What's your name beautiful?" You whisper to her, stroking her nose as she whinnies quietly.

"Midnight," Raph answers you, glancing at the sign on the fence. "Her name is Midnight."

"Hi Midnight," you whisper soothingly, stroking her neck with a smile. "Aren't you a beauty."

Raph watched you with a smile, staying outside of the fence. As you mounted Midnight, who stood calmly, waiting for directions, your smile grew.

"I missed this so much.." you grin as she trots around her large pen, snorting every moment or so. "Aren't you gonna join me, Raphie?" You look at him with the best puppy eyes you can summon, and Raph freezes.

"Uhh.. I-I.. w-well.." he gulped, biting his lip. "I-I'm not that c-crazy about horses.."

You giggle, stopping and jumping off. "Oh come on, pleeeaaaassseeeee?" You grab his hands and pull him, and he reluctantly follows.

"Wh-where are we g-going?"

"To the stable," you smile as you pull him. You both stop in front of a pen where a tall, brown horse stands, chewing on some hay. When he notices you two, he lifts his head and snorts in Raph's face. Raph goes a pale green and stumbles back a few steps.

"Y-y-you know what, I-I just re-remembered that I'm a-allergic t-to horses.. y-yeah." Raph fake coughs a few times, not convincing you.

"Raph," you smirk, staring him down with a suspecting look. "Are you afraid of horses?"

"Wh-what? N-no, of course not!" Raph denies, crossing his arms and turning away. Your smirk stays as you walk around to look at his face. Puffs of smoke rise into the air around him, and his cheeks burn bright red.

"Aw, are you blushing?" You can't help but grin as he turns his head away.

"No," he responds, obviously lying.

"C'mon Raphie, I promise it'll be fun," you lean your head against his shoulder, looking up at him with puppy eyes that would shock Mikey.

With a heavy sigh, Raph nods reluctantly. You squeal and grin, walking the brown horse out, who's name is Thunder.

"It's just a horse, just a horse. A gentle giant.. Gentle giant.. Giant.. A animal made completely of muscle.. Oh, I'm gonna die." You hear Raph mutter as he follows from far behind. Hearing his nervous muttering, you bite your lip in second thought.

"Raph, if you're that afraid of horses, you don't have to do this," you stroke Thunders nose as you speak. "I won't be upset," you smile at him, but it drops when Raph walks right up to Thunder and climbs on.

"U-uh.. Raph? You need t-to introduce yourself first," you murmur, watching as Raph gets situated.

"Hi, my name is Raph. I hear you're Thunder," he leans over to look the horse in the eye, his tone somewhat joking.

One thing leads to another, and Thunder goes flying with Raph on him. All around the large pen, back and forth, left and right, criss cross and figure 8. All the while, Raph is holding on to Thunders neck as hard as he can, screaming his head off. With a sigh, you walk forward and grab Thunders attention, calming him down.

"S-see," Raph mutters as you walk home. "I-I'm not a horse person."

You respond with a laugh.



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My favorite picture of him 😂😂

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