First Date: Mikey

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"YYYYYYYYY/nnnnnnnnn! Wakey wakey Sunshine!" Mikey's bright, beaming face is the first thing you see as your sleepy vision clears.

"Mmmmhhhm..." you groan as you roll over to your back. You aren't sure what time it is, but you're positive it's in the early AM time. You keep your mouth shut, having full knowledge of how deadly your morning breath is.

"What's the matter Sunshine? You look like you just ate a lemon!" Michelangelo giggles, pulling the blankets off of you. You shriek and curl up in a ball when the less warm air in your room meets with your bare skin that had grown used to the warmth of your bed, and blankets.

"Miiiikeeeeyyyy," you whine, pouting, "what time is it?"

"8:00 AM!" He grins, grabbing your hands and pulling you up like a child would. "I like your pajamas," he adds, smiling. You blush, looking down at your bed wear, which consists of a large, baggy t-shirt and shorts that barely pass your underwear.

"Um... I-I guess I'll ch-change.." you mutter, turning, only for Mikey's firm yet gentle grip on your hand to stop you.

"No no! You look great for our breakfast date! Hehe, rhyme.." he chuckles afterward, causing you to smile.

"Breakfast Date?" You repeat curiously, turning back to him and raising one eyebrow with interest.

"Yeah! I thought that'd be better than going out in the cold, since it is December and all.."

You smile and grab your robe, throwing it on before tiptoeing out and to the kitchen. You sniff the air, smelling sausage, bacon, eggs, toast, pancakes and all those wonderful breakfast treats. Mikey beams as he pulls you in and sits you down, grabbing a plate for you and piling all your favorite breakfast foods on it.

"There you are m'lady," he announced, bowing slightly to your amusement. You laughed and thank him before eating, humming in delight.

"Did you make all of this?" You asked, staring up in awe at the tower of golden brown pancakes, pile of crisp bacon and stacks of honey brown waffles.

"Yup! I'm the best at cooking, since Mr. Murakami started teaching me." Mikey beamed once again before piling his plate high with most of the food on the table. You watched as the food disappeared from its plates and bowls, until all that was left was empty dishes and full stomachs.

"I don't think I've ever had a breakfast that good." You smile as you help Mikey clean up. "Now what?"

Mikey grinned, taking you hand and dragging you out to the living room.
"Now," he answered, the TV remote in his hand. "We have a mega marathon of favorite/show!!"

You squealed in delight as he turned on the tv and sat next to you, wrapping a blanket around you both.

"This is the best first date ever!" You cheered, hugging him.

"I know, I'm awesome like that," Mikey grinned, causing you to laugh as the show began.

Enjoy mah lovely lollipops!

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