Taken.. ~Mikey~

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Michelangelo cried. For days and days he cried into your favorite pillow until it was soaked with his tears. His heart broke into a million pieces, and his lungs deflated as he failed to save you.


Mikey hated having this strange, uncomfortable, uneasy feeling in his gut. It made him second guess everything, double check, triple examine. He should've kept you in the Lair. He could've lived without Ramen for one night. He couldn't live without you.

He tried to watch Crognard the Barbarian while he waited for your return. He tried to pay attention to the show, to how the enchantress was being kidnapped by an old villain and how Crognard couldn't rescue her in time, but the gut feeling he had distracted him. Made him worry about you.
He picked up his phone and began to dial your number when he got a call.... from you. He answered it immediately.

"Y/n? You ok?" He greeted with slight worry in his voice. He could barely hear your muffled screams and shouts of help over the Foot bots mechanical whirring as they marched.

"Y/n? Are you there?? Y/n! I'm coming to get you!" Mikey shouted before hanging up and dashing out of the Lair, to the great confusion of his brothers. He flew the whole way, panting heavily once he landed on the rooftop. Not even giving himself a moment to catch his breath, Michelangelo ran towards you, his legs burning, throat dry and lungs on fire.

"Y/n!" Mikey called to you once he saw you slung over a Foot bots shoulders, hands and feet tied up an duck tape over your mouth. Your face light up with hope and relief as you saw and heard him. Mikey ran faster and pulled out his Kusurigama, slicing and stabbing Foot bots as he made his way over to you. Just when he was about to reach out and pull you away from the bot carrying you, he was dragged back by hundreds of Foot, their cold, hard metal fingers digging into his arms and shoulders, leaving many bruises and scratches.

"Y/n!" He shouted as he fought the swarm of mechanical ninjas, his eyes widening with panic as the Foot bot holding you began to run. Mikey kept fighting, his limbs growing heavier with each second. He attempted to use his wind powers, but he was too weak.

"Y/N!!" Mikey shouted as he cried, thrashing and pushing Foot bots away weakly. The Foot bot carried you away and out of sight, and you didn't see the Foot bots surrounding Mikey pin him down and prepare to stab him in the heart. With a loud shout, Mikey summoned a strong gust of wind to sweep all the Foot bots away before he passed out from exhaustion, rage, and heartbreak.


Several hours later, Mikey awoke on the couch. Leo sat next to him, his eyes puffy and red. Donnie came out, tears still streaming down his face as he replaced Mikeys bandages silently. Raph huffed as he punched the Shredder dummy with more rage and fury than ever before.

"He took her.." Mikey whispered with wide, sad and enraged eyes.

(I'm gonna be gone for a few days to see my great uncle! I'll be leaving Tuesday and will be back either Wednesday or Thursday. I hope you enjoyed this chapter!)

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