Confrontation; Part 2

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Not very long after Raph leaves the group, Donatello notices his disappearance. But before he can tell the others, he hears a strange meowing and hissing. Despite his better judgement, he slowly strays away from his brothers towards the strange cat-like noises. He travels across three rooftops before being tackled by Dōbutsu in the form of a panther.

"Woah!" Donnie yelps as he's pinned underneath the shape shifting mutant, who flashes him a teasing, sharp-toothed grin.

"Hello handsome~" she purrs as her tail sways in he air.

"Y-Y-Y/n... y-you uh.." Donnie stutters badly as he blushes intensely.

"What~? I've changed~?" She smirks, brushing her nose against his lightly.

Donnie blushes darker and gulps softly.
"Y-Y/n.. wh-what are y-you doing?" He asks hesitantly, goosebumps rising on his arms as he stares into her eyes.

"What do you think~?" Dōbu purrs again, her black tail flicking and swishing even more.
Donnie looks at her as he thinks before his eyes widen.

"D-distracting me wh-while your teammates get my brothers!" He realizes with wide eyes.

"So smart~" Dōbutsu smirks wider. "I'll have fun hunting you~"

"Wait wh-what?? H-h-hunting?!" Donnie exclaims before Dōbu jumps up and kicks him away. Donnie doesn't take long to stand and run, not realising that's exactly what she wants. With a low, pleased growl, Dōbutsu chases Donnie, quickly catching up to him to Donatello's surprise. She growls again and tackles him, causing them both to fall into an open sewer hole. In the dark, Donnie scrambles away from the shape shifter and deeper into the sewers. She smirks as she follows, perfectly hidden in the dark with her slick, black fur, only her e/c eyes barely able to be seen from afar.

Donnie's chest heaves as he runs through this unfamiliar part of the sewers. His heart beats widly with fear and adrenaline, his blood racing through his veins as he barely hears Dōbutsu's footsteps landing far behind him over his own breathing.

"Oh Donnie-boy~" she calls, her sharp-toothed smirk appearing in Donnie's mind as she speaks. "At least make this hunt interesting~~ some sort of struggle~ anything~" she purrs, then growls, her footsteps landing faster and causing panic to flash in Donatello's mind. He runs faster, trying to steady his breathing and heartrate.

"Why are you doing this?!" He asks, his voice bouncing aroun the dark tunnels and making Dōbu cringe at the impact on her more sensitive ears.

"Because~ it's fun~!" She chuckles lowly while stalking Donnie. He frowns and slips into the shadows, trying to get her off his tail. Her amused smile only grows.

"I have your scent Donatello~ I could track you for miles~ I can hear you breathe, there's no escape, except.." she trails off, her ears twitching as she listens to Donnie's every move.

"Except what?" He asks, his interest peaked. If there is a way to get out of this nightmarish situation, he will gladly take it.

"Unless you kill me, or knock me out or however you would prefer to stop me~ otherwise I will hunt you down and take you to Master Shredder~" she answers, emitting a low purr at the thought of the hunt ahead. Her mind may or may not wander to the gutter from time to time, but it always gets back on track.

"That's the only way out of this?" Donnie frowns slightly.

"Mmm~ I might play around with you once I catch you~ You could possibly slip away during then~" she smirks as she walks closer to where he's hiding, a strange look of excitement in her eyes as she licks her lips. Donnie peeks out and shrieks at her sudden appearance, also blushing deeply at the strange way she stares at him as he finds another place to hide.

"I'll have you know I-I'm not an e-easy one to h-hunt!" He says, his stutter returning as he realizes what he's doing; playing a deadly game of hide-n-go-seek with his flirtatious, kidnapped, mutated girlfriend.
"Oh God.. I'm gonna die.." he whispers with wide eyes.

"Come, come, Donnie-dear~"  Dōbutsu interrupts his train of thought with an impatient tone. "What's it gonna be~~?"

Donnie takes a deep breath and peeks around the corner to look her right in the eyes.
"O-ok.. let's get th-this hunt over w-with," he answers. She smirks and purrs:

"It's so cute when you stutter~ I'll miss your dorky self when you're brainwashed~" she sighs as claws extend from her fingers, and she suddenly growls lowly. Donnie shakes his head, deciding to ask his many questions later, and slips away into the shadows, silent and stealthy.

Like a ninja.

Dōbutsu smirks.
"Finally.." she growls.

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