Confrontation; Part 3

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Leonardo notices Donatello and Raphael disappearance quickly, and grabs Michelangelo's shoulder.
"Stay very close," he orders with a low voice. "I think the girls are around."

Mikey glances around fearfully and does as Leo says to the letter. He holds his hand like a adorable and frighted five year old, his baby blue eyes wide and looking all around. Leo keeps his eyes ahead and all around, expecting Electrica to jump out at any second.

Then suddenly, a burst of light blinds them both. Leo shields his eyes and stumbles back. Mikey's grip on his hand leaves, and Leo's eyes widen before he squints again.

"Mike--" he starts out, only for a cold hand to clamp over his mouth, the chewed off and raggedly sharp nails digging into his cheek as a small shock sparks against his skin.

"Time to go," Electrica whispers before a ball of electricity traps them, much like a lightening bubble, and they're suddenly zapped to another rooftop. Leo rips away from her with a face of pure shock.

"Y/n!! Where are we?! What happened to Mikey?!?" He interrogates her with wide blue eyes.

"We are allowed to deal with you in any way we desire, as long as you are alive for the brainwashing." She mumbles, staring at him with unblinking e/c eyes, a spark of electricity flashing across her irises.

Leo's eyes widen even more and he stumbles back slightly.

"Probably not the best thing for Dōbutsu and Donatello. She talks in her sleep. They all do. She talks about eating Donnie up alive. But.. she kinda purrs it, so I'm not sure if it's in the flirting way or the nom nom way," Electrica makes an eating motion at the end before giggling insanely. "Either way, Donnie's screwed."

Leo stares at her with a purely flabbergasted expression, his mouth shut and his eyes wide. What she's talking about really scares him. His brother is with a flirtatious animal shape shifter. That Maroon 5 song Animals comes to mind, but he pushes those distracting thoughts out with a slight shake of his head. (I'm sorry I had to 😂😂) Raph is with the angry, depressed and unfocused weilder of color. Mikey is probably with the uncertain, light bending leader of this feminene group. And he is with the insane, unsteady, unfocused and wildly confused controller of lightning.


Leo snaps out of his thoughts when he notices the eerie silence. Looking to Electrica, he finds her looking at him with her head tilted so far that her ear touches her shoulder. It looks uncomfortable, but Leo decides to just roll with it and copies her. She giggles, a little less on the insane side and more on the amused side.

"You're cute. I wish I didn't have to kill you," she remarks as if what she says and how she says it doesn't scare the mutagen out of Leo.

"Y-y-you don't h-have to!!" Leo squeaks, then covers his mouth with embarrassment. NOW his voice has to crack?!

Electrica laughs as a rod of lightning forms in her hand, almost light a lightsaber.
"Silly, of course I do. If I don't, Master Shredder will mind worm us again and triple our powers. Lemme tell you, that hurts like a biatch," Electrica smirks and with a flick of her wrist, she suddenly and lightly cuts Leo's cheek, causing him to hiss in pain and clutch his face. Feeling the warm liquid that was his blood, his eyes widen again as he looks at her. She slices his arms, shoulders, anywhere her blade can cut, just enough to make him bleed and wear him out. He tried to dodge her blade, attempts to get out his weapons only to be cut on the hands, and soon he's stumbling over his own feet, crimson lightly coating his skin. Cuts and bruises are scattered all over his body, inflicted by the one he once loved.

This wasn't her.

"Scratch what I said before. You're very handsome," She grins insanely as she approaches him. "I hate messing up such a nice face," she whispers while grabbing his cheeks, both bleeding in different places. "One last kiss before you enter hell with me?" She offers with a genuinely curious look. Leo growls and shoves her off.

"I haven't kissed Y/n yet, and I sure won't kiss an insane copy of her!" He shouts with angry eyes, pulling out his katana blades.

Electrica giggles and makes another lightning lightsaber for her other hand.
"Very well." She chirps before they charge each other and clash weapons, partaking in the most intense battles of their lives..

(Yes. Another update. 😂😂)

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