Stormy Skies..

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"He didn't come for me. I wasn't worth his time." You growl, sparring with your new partner, code name Electrica. You're still sore, not that you care. You were ordered to spar. You're sparring.

"So all that time he said he loved me, he was lying." You blink back tears as you knock Electrica down.

"So what will you do about it?" Electrica smirks as she wipes away the trickle of blood coming from her nose.

"What I must.."


You had no reason to be out, you just wanted to go for a walk. And Raph, being a protective boyfriend, let you leave after equipping you with pepper spray, a pocket knife and his number on speed dial, after much argument on your part.

In all honesty, you loved it when he got all protective over you, when he stuttered when you approached him, and how his blush was clear to be seen. You loved all of it. He'd wake you up in the mornings with a kiss on your forehead, kneeling by your bedside and whispering things like "good morning beautiful," or "hey sleepyhead." He hadn't told his family yet, although you could tell they noticed the different air between you two.
Yep, you had fallen, hard.

You hummed as you strolled through the park, breathing in the cold, polluted air. You didn't notice the two Purple Dragons following you just yet as you stared up at the sky. Grey clouds were rolling in, although it is near the end of December. The clouds are grey almost all the time. You wondered if it'd turn into a storm later.

You froze when you heard something. Shuffling and whispering. Being paranoid, you got your pepper spray ready and turned around. There was nothing there, or so you thought. You squinted as you stared at the darkness surrounding you. Your eyes widened when a Purple Dragon came out, a bat in hand.

-It's just one. I can take him..- you thought, until you glanced to your left and right. There were ten at your left and ten at your right. You cringed as you turned around to find more behind you, all approaching slowly. You bit your lip as you backed up against a lamp post.

-Ok, I was wrong.- You admitted to yourself, pulling out your pepper spray in one hand and your pocket knife in the other. You prepared to fight, when the three in front of you moved away to make a space. Who should walk out, but Fish Face.

"Mmm, I was hungry for sushi," you smirked, causing him to scowl, not knowing you were speed-dialing Raph behind your back.

"We shall see how much of that spunk is left after I beat you to the ground." He growled, pulling out his own pocket knife and twirling it in his fish hands. You're no sure who charged first, but not five seconds later, you're clashing weapons with him. Your eyes darted everywhere, following the blade and watching Fish Face for any other attacks. After a moment or two, he knocks your blade out of your hands with a triumphant grin, only for you to wipe it off with your pepper spray. He stumbled back, screaming as he clutched his face. You grinned until a Purple Dragon tackled you from behind and sat on you.

"When I get out of this you guys ar-"

"Save your breath guppy," Fish Face growled as he stuffed a sweet smelling, wet cloth in your face. You began to feel sleepy, your eyelids growing heavier with every passing second. You thought you heard a familiar voice shouting your name, but you were more focused on the present danger.

-Chloroform..- you realized, using the last bit of your strength to try and escape. Fish Face growled, pressing the cloth harder over your nose and mouth, until your eyelids finally fell, and you went limp, not seeing nor hearing Raph jump down and shouting your name for the tenth time, then suddenly attacked by heavily armed Purple Dragons.

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