Transformed.. •Hikari•

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You hang on the top of your cage upside down, hoping they forgot about you. You hate them. You hate waking up to the your neighbors screams. You have no reason to hate Michelangelo and yet the thought of him makes you gag. You don't trust anyone, not even yourself.

A few days pass by and you begin to think they actually did forget about you, and you feel somewhat relieved. Watching Dōbutsu pace her cage, shifting and changing forms with horrific cracks, pops and snaps makes you wonder what they had planned for you. And when Electrica laughs at her insanity and you hear her mumbling throughout the night, you ponder whether they would want your mind still intact or not. Hearing Iro crying at night as her cell walls are sucked of color until they are bleak and gray makes you fear if they wish to break you just as badly.


Seven more days pass, and the Foot bot that delivers food is the only thing to enter your cell. You keep up your strength in case you have to fight. You shrink back in fear whenever you hear footsteps coming your way. Finally, the dreaded day arrives. The Shredder stands outside your cage as Bebop and Rocksteady enter and grab your arms. You kick, thrash and scream but it's pointless. They are taller, stronger and possibly meaner than you. You fall limp and let them drag you to the table.

"Water gets Electricity. Fire gets Color. Earth gets Animal. But what does Air get?" You ask as you look at Baxter Stockman. He shakes his head with a sigh.

"You're brainzzzzz are zzzcrambled already. Poor thing," he mumbles as he starts the machine, and bright lights shine down on you. No, you haven't died. That's the pairing for the mutagen. Stockman inject the mutagen into your bloodstream and the lights warm your skin while burning your eyes. Machines keep your eyes open as you stare up into the blinding light. Screams escape your mouth as the mutagen burns your insides and you begin to see dark black spots. This continues for hours. Shredder watches from behind a protective glass, smirking as your screams grow louder and louder. The three other test subjects listen to you from their cages. Electrica doesn't laugh at all. Iro cries for you. Dōbutsu growls as she curls up in the corner.
Finally, you pass out. Your eyes roll to the back of your head and the light is sucked out of the room. It swirls around you, similar to Iro's powers, but yours is blinding. Literally. It's almost as bright as the sun, and it burns anything close to it, including your restraints, but not you. Then, the light seeps into your skin and makes your veins glow. You awaken and your eyes shine, but all you see is darkness.

"I-I can't see," you whisper, reaching out to feel something. "I-Is this a test?" You whimper, more afraid then ever.

Shredder narrows his eyes as he watches you in the dim room. Baxter tests your eyes, then shakes his head as he looks to the Samurai.
"ZZZZhe izzzzzzz blind." He informs everyone listening.

"Begin their training. Rocksteady, you shall work with Hikari." Shredder orders as he walks away.


You sit in the middle of a room, your eyes closed. Your breathing is soft and nearly silent as you listen. The Foot bot sneaks around you and raises its sword. You raise your hand and tap it's throat, causing light to melt it from the inside out. Shredder nods as you stand and walk out of the room, having memorized the hallways by now.

"They are ready."

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