Sweetest Dreams

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"-and Casey is being an absolute jerk." Donnie sighs.

Right now you were listening to him in your coma, ranting about his inventions and everyday life.

"Anyway.. how're you doing?" Donnie questions. You hear a smack, and you can only guess he slapped himself, or something.
"I'm sorry Y/n! That slipped out. I-I should probably check your wounds."

You can hear Donnie stand, and feel his gentle hands take yours. His fingers settle on your pulse, which is steady. His fingers brush your forehead, followed by his whole hand covering your head. Then your shirt lifts up, only a little, to show your right side, where a nasty bruise has settled. Donnie had put all kinds of stuff on it, and wrapped it.

"You seem alright. I would guess you'll wake up in a few days, if that's your plan." Donnie chuckles, his fingers running over the veins on your arm. "Human anatomy is quite interesting- n-not that I'd want to cut into a human or anything- ugh just shut UP Donnie!" He rants, his attention directed to scolding himself, until your fingers twitch, tapping on his hand resting under yours.

Donnie freezes, turning his head to look at you. Your eyes are still closed, but he's sure he felt your hand move.
"Y/n..? A-are you.. awake?" Donnie grows hopeful, holding your hand a bit tighter. 
Several minutes pass, and he sighs, loosening his grip.
"I know, I know, I need to be patient." He sighs, letting your hand go completely.

"Remember, she's human. Y/n will take longer to heal than Leo. You just gotta wait." April speaks, letting you know she came in. You hear Donnie sigh heavily.

"Ok. I'll check in on you later, Y/n. Sweetest dreams, Flower." Donnie wishes to you, before leaving with April. 

-Bye Donnie..- 


Days passed. The turtles trained, and talked to you. At the moment you were straining to move your arm, when Donnie came in.

"Hello Y/n."

-Hey Donnie.- You mentally greet. 

"Today has been.. uneventful. Really, all around boring. I- um.. I made you something." He sits, and you hear him set something down, and a click, before soft, sweet music begins to play.

"I-it's a music box. I made it myself. I-it originally was for April, but I thought you'd have better use for it. It's a nice tune, isn't it?"

You have a feeling he's smiling, and you imagine his sweet, sincere smile, with his bright, happy eyes.

-I love it Don. I just wish I could see it..- You think.

Donnie sighs, and you hear the chair creak when he stands.
"It's awfully gloomy in here. I'll open the window."

As soon as he opens the curtains, you feel the warm sunlight on your skin, and hear Donnie slide the window open. A cool breeze drifts in, passing over you, refreshing you. The air is so clean and fresh, like the air you breathed for fifteen years.

You notice a sweet smell, and hear Donnie shuffle around.
"There. A flower next to your bed. Guaranteed to last for as long as you want. Well, as long as I let it." Donnie smiles and kisses your head.
"I have to go. Mikey, Raph and I have to train."

You hear him leave, and the door click as it shuts.

You suddenly feel sad. How desperately you want to move, to wake up. You'd love to see the sky again. The flower Donnie grew for you. The room you're in. The turtles. But you can't. All you can see is black. Darkness. And you're sick of it.

»[Some Time Later]«

A while after, you don't know how long, you hear some people return, and one more. You can tell, because their footsteps are heavier than the rest.

-New friend?- You wonder.

Most of the voices are muffled, but you hear Donnie shout: "It's Big Foot!"

-WHAT?!- You think. You must've heard that wrong.. right?

More muffled voices, and then footsteps running to your room. 

"Y/n! You'll never believe it!" Mikey exclaims, running in, "Big Foot is staying with us!" 


"So.. turns out Big Foot is a female. That's certainly.. interesting." Donnie informs you. You hear a pencil, or pen scratch on paper, and you assume Donnie's writing something.

The chair creaks as he leans back.

"She, Big Foot, follows me around like a lovesick puppy. Raph said 'now you know what April feels like.' But.. that's not true. I don't follow her around like.." Donnie stops, completely. Everything is silent, aside from the birds outside. The scribbling is gone, even his breathing is hard to hear.

"Do I do that to April?"

-How should I know? I've been stuck on this bed for two months and three days. I can't even move, let alone answer.- 

"I.. I gotta go. Thank you for listening, Flower."

Donnie leaves, opening the music box for you. You can't see it, but there's a picture on the inside. One of you and Donnie, happy and smiling. Before all this.

And in his notebook, is a sketch of you, peacefully asleep.


"This.. Y/n?" A stranger's deep voice speaks.

"Yeah. She's a good friend. She was hurt bad, and right now she's healing." Donnie explains, and you feel relieved that he's here.
"Hey Y/n, this is Big Foot." 

"Hello Donnie's friend." Big Foot greets you.

"Y/n. Her name is Y/n."

"Donnie come and walk with Big Foot." She commands, and you hear Donnie yelp.

"A-a-ah! B-b-bye Y-Y-Y/n!" Donnie calls to you.

-Donnie.. be careful..-


So much noise. Ruckus. Chatter. You wanted to be a part of it, so badly. 

Then, all is silent. They left. Someone must need help. 

You listen to the music box play, trying to block out the ringing in your ears. Then the song fades, and all you hear is high pitched ringing. 

Suddenly, you feel something. You feel like you're floating. You can move your limbs, wiggle your toes and fingers. You don't know if this is real, or a dream. The only thing your sure of is, the sensation of movement never felt so good for you. 

"H-hello?" You speak, and your words drift off in an echo.

You try to move forward, and you fall to the floor, black, like everything else. You stand warily, feeling a little unsteady. Once you've found your balance, you run. There's no destination, no beginning or end, just movement. You just run, embracing the burn in your legs. Your muscles moving together in sync, the blood rushing through your veins. The need for air, for large breaths to supply oxygen to your muscles.

Finally you stop, and breathe in deeply.

"What is this?" You ask yourself, after enjoying the feeling of everything beside numbness.

You see shades of black, and white lights, like stars. Oh how you missed the sigh of the stars and sky.


"What?" You answer the voice calling your name.

Suddenly, you fall. And fall, and fall. After a while you begin to think you'll be here forever, when you land on something soft.

You can't feel, once again.
And everything is dark.


You're back on your bed, in your coma.

"Y/n. Crazy things happened in the forest." Donnie sighed as he sat in the chair, and closed the music box.

-I-I could say the same thing for my dreams..-

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