It starts... Awkwardly

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You exited your room and walked out to the living area, where you saw Leo sitting. A blush immediately crept up your neck as you tried to speed walk to the kitchen.

Why were you so flustered?
Well, when your childhood friend confesses that they've been in love with you for over a year, you tell me if you're not a little flustered the next time you see them.

Any who, your plan to sneak past failed, as Leo saw you and jumped up to greet you.

"Morning, Y/n. Sleep well?" He smiled, walking alongside you. You stared straight ahead as you kept a steady stride.

"O-ok." You stuttered out, realizing right after that that was not the correct way to answer.
"I-I mean yes, I-I slept well." You quickly corrected yourself, your voice giving away your nervousness. Leo tilted his head like a confused puppy, gently taking you hand and stopping you in your tracks.

"Are you ok? Did I say something wrong?" He questioned worriedly. You bit the inside of your cheek before answering.

"I-I'm fine, and n-no, you didn't say anything wrong.." you trailed off, staring down at you hand in his. For some reason, the sight made you smile.
"I'm just a l-little.. embarrassed."

"O-oh." Now it was Leo's turn to blush, shifting his feet awkwardly.
"You.. you lo-look nice.." he murmured, trying to make things less awkward, and failing adorably. You chuckled lightly, tucking some hair behind your ear.


It stayed silent for a moment before Leo finally spoke again.
"S-so.. um.. you want breakfast?" He asked, his eyes also landing on your joined hands. His grip tightened, and you looked up at him to smile.

"Sure. Care to join me?"

Leo grinned sheepishly, nodding shyly.
"I-I would love too."


And that is how it starts..


Shortest chapter in this book. I don't know if I should be celebrating, but whatever. To me, this seems so.. so cringy, but I keep reminding myself of The Plans.

Any who, enjoy!
See ya!

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