Something Dies

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"I hate him," you cry as you pound on the wall. "If he had been there for me, I wouldn't be in this horrible place!" You scream with rage, punching the cell wall with all your might, resulting in a dent in the metal and your knuckles to grow bloody and throb with pain.
"He deserves the pain heading his way," you choke out, silent tears rolling down your face.


Mikey was so sweet and kind to you. He told you how beautiful you were everyday, he loved to do anything with you, from sparring to cleaning. You loved it when he'd suddenly hug you from behind and spin you around. You laughed so hard it'd hurt when he told you about his wild adventures. You both were drowning in affection and love. Both naïve in thinking those happy moments could last.


"Don't worry Mikey," you laughed, trying to wiggle out of his iron grip. "I'll be right back silly."

"But I don't want you to go," he pouts, kissing your cheek. "Can't you get April to get some Ramen on her way here?"

"That depends. Do you want Ramen tonight?" You question with a smug grin. Mikey nods with a sigh. "Then you need to let me go so I can buy the Ramen for you and your brothers."

Mikey frowns, releasing you from his hug reluctantly.
"Fine, but you have to keep your phone on, stay in a crowd, don't take any alleyway shortcuts and don't take a long time." Mikey ordered firmly. You laughed again.

"Ok, ok. Why are you so worried? I'm just going to the store."

"I just.. have a bad feeling." He admitted, hugging you again. "If you need me, just call, ok?"

You nodded and kissed his cheek lightly before running out of the Lair.
"I'll be back soon Mikester!" You shout over your shoulder.

Mikey smiled slightly as you left, hoping that was true.


You walked down the streets, pulling your jacket closer as it began to rain. You shivered and shuffled through the crowd, glancing up at the grey clouds above. Stormy skies all weekend, the weather forecast had said.

-They might be right for once..- You thought with a chuckle as you kept walking.

As you drew closer and closer to the store, you felt as if you were being watched. You looked around, searched the crowd and the rooftops around you, but finding nothing out of the ordinary. Just as the store came into view, you were dragged into the dark alleyway, a strong hand clamped over your mouth to keep you silent. You looked up to see red, glowing, mechanical eyes staring back. Hundreds of Foot bots surrounded you, weapons drawn in case you decided to pull any major tricks.

-Crud..- you thought with a frown. You struggled as the bots tied your hands and feet, then duck tape your mouth before throwing you over their shoulders. You grunted and wiggled and squirmed to no avail. You were stuck. You strained to think up a plan, blinking away unwanted tears and looking around.

"Y/n? You ok?" You heard Mikey from your phone.

-How the heck did that happen?- You wondered for a second before screaming and trying to shout through your duck tape.

"Y/n? Are you there? Y/n! I'm coming to get you!" Mikey announced before the dial tone hummed in the air. You smirked at the Foot bots, although the sinking feeling in your stomach didn't leave while knowing Mikey was on his way.
They carried you for what felt like an eternity until you heard familiar feet thumping on the ground, making you lift your head and look past the group of mechanical kidnappers to see your orange masked hero.

"Y/N!!" Mikey shouted as he ran towards you. Your face lit up as you saw him, mentally cheering him on as the bots attacked him. Your eyebrows creased together as he struggled to get past the swarm of robots that continuously dragged him back with their metal hands.

"Y-Y/n!" He shouted as the Foot bot carrying you began to run and the bots surrounding him over powered him.

"Mikey!" Your muffled scream reached his ears, and he fought harder, destroying the Foot bots around him, only to find the bot carrying you had ran out of sight.
Tears welled up in both your eyes as you disappeared from his view.


"This is the last one, Master Shredder," you heard a voice growl from the shadows ahead of you.

"Excellent. Tell the Kraang to turn off the Dimensional Link." A well known evil voice ordered, causing you to shudder in fear. You watched with wide eyes as Tiger Claw walked past, towering over you even more than he usually would since you were on your knees. Tears slipped away from your eyes as you reluctantly turned back to the darkness. The clank of armor told you he was approaching. Fear rose from within you, as did more tears, blurring your vision temporarily as the armored samurai came out to view.
You stared up at your doom, and the Hamatos potential death, and glared with hatred and loathing for his entire being.

"A bit.. how can I put this," The Shredder began, taking your face in his hand and turning it to look at you. "Plump."

You jerked your face out of his hand, the only rebellious act you could think of with your restraints. In return, The Shredder grabbed your face again with a painfully strong grip.

"Michelangelo must treat you like a princess," he growled as he glared down at you. "Gives you everything you desire. Tells you you are beautiful. Am I correct?"

You glare in response.

"I am afraid life is not as kind as he is, child." Shredder continues. You hold your glare as tears stream down your face. You can't begin to express how much you hate this man. He's ruined the Hamatos lives. Now he's kidnapping you to get to them. He knows whatever he does to you will break Mikey's heart, and he doesn't care.


"Hikari!" The Shredder bellows as you stab a Foot bot in the head with your tantō.

"Hai!" You answer, sheathing your blade and bowing respectively.

"Group sparring. Come." He turns after that, knowing very well that you will follow without hesitation.

What he doesn't know is that you are screaming inside, clawing at the walls of your mental prison as you follow every order you are given.

This is the beginning of your transformation.

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