A Walk in the Park

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Donnie paced back and forth in his Lab, gnawing on his nails as his T-phone rang in his ear. He heard a click, and then April's sleepy voice answered.

"Hello?" She yawned, causing Donnie to cringe.

"Oh.. April, I'm so sorry.. did I wake you?" Donnie whispered, still pacing.

"Nooooo.. I was totally awake at 3:30 am." April replied sarcastically. "What do you need?" 

"I-is Y/n with you? She isn't here." Donnie questioned worriedly, standing in front of his desk and messing with the pink fuzzy end of the pencil you gave him.

"No, I haven't seen her since earlier today." April answered, sounding also worried and a bit confused. "Where could she go at this time of night?" 

"That's what I'm wondering!" Donnie exclaimed. "I'm gonna go look for her. Sorry for waking you. G'night April." He bid goodbye, hanging up after April murmured her goodbye. He grabbed his Bō staff before running out in search for you.

The tracker on your T-phone took him to the park. After a minute or two of thought, Donnie jumped into a tree and climbed down, using his powers to hide him. It took him only a few moments to travel to where his phone pinpointed yours, but when he arrived at the spot, you were nowhere to be seen.
Donnie frowned in frustration, worry and confusion, glancing around the area around him. When he actually saw what was around him, he calmed down, a small, content smile appearing on his face.
Trees surrounded the him, the faint light of a faraway lamp casting a golden glow on the trunks of the trees. Birds chirped softly, as though they were bidding goodnight to their neighbor. Flowers were everywhere, seeming to perk up as Donnie came closer, their petals glowing with their special colors. Vines grew up the side of a forgotten bench, moss covered the ground like a soft carpet, feeling oh so lovely under Donnie's wrapped feet.

He looked around, grinning as he felt the energy of the plants and animals washing over him, calming him, helping him focus.
A small ping pulled him out of his trance, his spiced brown eyes darting to the bench, where he saw your phone lying there.

"Y/n must be close.." Donnie whispered, walking away. The leaves stirred as he walked past, the moss under his feet grew greener, thicker and softer, and the flowers stood straight, turning in his direction. But he didn't notice. Donnie was set on finding you, and nothing could draw him away from his mission.

It was still and silent, his footsteps making no noise on the padding of the green moss carpet. A rustling from the tree behind him made Donnie jump and spin around, drawing his staff out of habit. The rustling grew louder and larger until you fell out, landing on your butt. How graceful.

"Y/n!" Donnie shouted, returning his Bō staff to his shell and running over to you. "Oh Y/n! I was so worried! What happened? Who took you? How did you escape? Are you hurt? Do you need the hospital?" Donnie questioned frantically, checking your pulse and flashing a light in your eyes. You grabbed his face, gently, and made him look at you, resulting in his silence.

"I snuck out. I am fine." You said slowly with an amused smile, letting his face go.

"You grabbed me, by the face.." Donnie muttered in a offended tone. You giggled as you walked to the bench. Donnie followed close behind.

"Are you sure you're ok? No cuts or scratches?" He asked, kneeling down and moving your hair away to look at your face and forehead.

"Yes, Donnie, I'm fine." You chuckled softly, your light laugh fading when you saw Donnie's gaze shift from worried and concerned to loving and fond as he finally believed your words. His hands slid down to cup your face as a small, almost invisible smile grew on his face, showing admiration and longing.

"Donnie.." you muttered, drawing him out of his thoughts and making him jump up, clearing his throat and rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

"W-we should get g-going.. i-it's dark.." he tried to come up with an excuse, but he realized as he finished that it was already dark when you were here, and when he arrived.

"Donnie?" You called him again, only for him to turn his back to you. You frowned and stood, marching up to him, grabbing his hand and spinning him around to face you.

"I don't appreciate you ignoring me." You remarked. He dropped his gaze to the ground, looking embarrassed and upset.
You smiled lightly as you leaned down so he would look at you, adding, "I would prefer that you look at me, the way you did just a minute ago."

Donatello looked up, his eyes wide as shock appeared in his expression.
"Y-y-you.. a-an-and I.. r-really?!" He grinned, picking you up and spinning you around.

Voilà! Finished!
Also, if you're questioning the title.. I had no ideas so I just... I tried, ok?!?

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