Peace In Mind

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"Just give her some attention, play with her, and she should be fine till I get back!" Mikey instructs, handing you a long list of all the activities you can do with Ice Cream Kitty

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"Just give her some attention, play with her, and she should be fine till I get back!" Mikey instructs, handing you a long list of all the activities you can do with Ice Cream Kitty.

"Ok Mikey, I get it. You go, have fun, find inner peace and all that." You smile, giving him a hug.

"Bye Y/n!" Mikey waves to you before running to catch up with his brothers. You chuckle and head inside, giving Mikey's list a once over.

You walk into the kitchen and open the freezer, where Ice Cream Kitty lives. She meows a greeting, and you smile.

"Hey Kitty, Mikey's out for now, so me and you will hang out. That cool?"

She does a little dance, making you giggle, when a (wrapped) popsicle falls out. You bend down and scoop it up, standing up a little too quick. You hit your head on the freezer door, and your hand goes flying to the top of your head. You feel a warm thick liquid, and feel a little dizzy.

You bump the freezer door with your elbow, and it closes, blocking off a worried Ice Cream Kitty. You stumble to the table and trip, grabbing the chair to catch yourself. Your eyelids grow heavy, your grip on the chair slips, and you pass out on the floor.


"Where am I?" You whisper, finding yourself in a foggy forest. Birch trees are everywhere, and the fog is thick enough to where you can't see your hand in front of your face.

You hear something, and spin around, only to be met with a tree. You hear the same sound behind you, and turn around again, but there's nothing.

"Am I hearing things? Is this a dream?" You question, walking to a tree. You stretch your hand out to touch the trunk, when Mikey lands a few feet away from you. You gasp, the hand that was reaching out taking a detour to cover your mouth.

"Mikey..?" You whisper. He doesn't answer, on high alert, every muscle in his body is tense and ready to act. He's wearing strange new armor, that looks very cool on him, and wielding new weapons.

Suddenly, something flies by, attacking Mikey. He spins around and stumbles as it strikes two more times.

"Who's there!?" Michelangelo shouts. All is silent, and you walk next to Mikey as he listens.

In a flash, he takes out a shuriken and throws it.

A pair of red eyes appear in the fog, and Mikey scoffs.

"Your camo is so weak dog!"

Four more pairs of eyes appear, and Mikey gasps.

"Either I'm wrong about the camo, or I'm fighting a ten eyed monster!"

Five Foot bots move forward, and Mikey freaks out.

"I was wrong about the camo!" He shrieks, running away.

You giggle, watching Mikey evade the bots, then go for a full on attack. Each one he takes down disappears in a puff of orange smoke.

With the last one defeated, Mikey relaxes.

"Well, that wasn't so hard." He remarks. As soon as the words leave his mouth, a creature rises from the fog. A skeleton werewolf.

"Oh no, Razar?!" Mikey cries in horror.

"Hello Michelangelo." Razar growls in a low and menacing voice. Mikey shrinks back, hiding behind a tree.

"Down boy. N-nice doggy. M-maybe I have a bone for ya?"

"Oh, you have many delicious bones I can feast on." Razar replies.

"That is the creepiest thing I've ever heard." You mutter, watching Mikey and Razar begin to fight.

Razar beats Mikey to a pulp, and you begin to grow worried.

"C'mon, Mikey! You can do it!" You cheer the orange clad turtle. He doesn't answer as he dodges Razars strikes. You don't mind, if you were fighting something as creepy as Razar, you wouldn't be able to answer either.

Mikey jumps up and lands inches before you. You lean back and expect him to go around you, but no, he goes right through you.

You gasp as you watch Mikey fight, realizing why he didn't answer you, or even look at you.

"I- I'm.. I'm not here.." You whisper, eyes wide with shock.

As the shock wears off, you return your attention to the fight, and watch as Razar vanishes in the fog. Mikey's uneasy, on high alert as he walks around.

"Ok, I need to concentrate, clear my mind.. like the forest." Mikey murmurs, bringing his hands together with his eyes closed. You walk up next to him and watch, barely breathing with the tension in the air.

Mikey suddenly waves his hand in the air, making you jump.
"Not now Kitty! Need to concentrate!"

You listen with him, picking up every sound. The wind whistles, carrying several leaves with it. A single drop of water falls from a leaf, splashing onto Razars muzzle.

He jumps down from above, and Mikey moves away with his eyes still closed. The skeleton werewolf strikes again, and Mikey dodges once more, and in one swift movement, the point of his blade stabs Razars muzzle. Mikey jumps up and flips Razar, who explodes in a puff of orange.

"That was so cool, Mikey!" You beam, even though he won't hear or see you.

"Y/n? What are you doing in the Spirit Plane?" Mikey smiles, slightly confused as he walks up to you. He sees you as a ghost of orange, wearing the same clothes as when he left.

"Oh, you can see me? Yay! You did a great job!" You smile.

"Awe, thanks Sunshine." Mikey blushes, and you giggle. Neither of you notice the fog growing thicker, until you can't see each other.

And that's when you wake up.


"Mikey!" You gasp, sitting up from the kitchen floor. Everything comes back to you, hitting your head on the freezer door, fainting, and that dream.

You jump up and put the slightly melted popsicle in the freezer, giving the relieved Ice Cream Kitty a pat on the head before you run outside, just as the Turtles return.

You arrive just in time to hear Leo finish speaking.

"-- We're going back to New York."

When he sees you, Mikey runs up and hugs you, which takes you by surprise.

"Y/n! You won't believe who I saw in the Spirit Plane!"

"M-me?" You smile, getting over the sudden hug.

"Yeah! And Razar." He beams, pulling back to look at you. "So you remember?"

"Yeah.. yeah I do."

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