It starts... Shyly

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Sitting to the side with your legs crisscrossed, you watch as Mikey and Raph spar. As they get more into it, their powers surface and they toss their weapons to the side. One thing leads to another, and soon enough, Mikey is stuck in an arm lock. Raph wins, a triumphant grin plastered on his face.

While the others go to do their own things, you approach Raph.

"Hey Raph.." You start, lacing your hands together as you stand before him. He looks at you and his boastful bad boy act crumbles to pieces, leaving him a shy, stuttering mess.

"H-hi Y-Y/n.." he murmured, rubbing the back of his neck.
"H-how a-a-are yo-you?"

You smiled shyly, thinking his stuttering was quite cute.
"I'm fine. You did great in training."

Raph nodded, fumbling with the cap of his water bottle.
"Eh.. i-it's not as hard as it looks."
(Believe me, it is.)

You smiled, rocking on your heels as the awkward silence settled around you both.

"So..." You muttered.

"S-so.." Raph stuttered, gripping his water bottle for dear life as he crossed his arms.

"Would you like to join me for a snack in the kitchen?" You suddenly ask hopefully, to which Raph smiles shyly.

"Y-yeah.. Sure."

Before you know what your doing, you grab Raph's hand and walk with him. He grins sheepishly as he sees his hand in yours, and you ignore your blush as you keep walking.


*silently picks the table back up*

Ok.. Here's a picture.

Look how young they were!! Awwww

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Look how young they were!! Awwww..

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