The Return

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After upgrading the Party Wagon, you all set out, back to New York. You had to sit in the back, squeezed next to Donnie and Leo.

As you drive up to the entrance, you gain an uneasy feeling in your stomach. Glancing around, you have a hunch that everyone feels the same.

Casey stops driving, and you hear chatter outside. You're basically stuck in between the two ninja turtles, so you can only guess what's going on. Mikey keeps freaking out, screaming, "they got us, man!"

After Raph quiets down Mikey, you don't hear anything for a moment. Then Casey slams on the gas, and you're thrown back. You immediately latch on to both Leo and Donnie's arm as the cave mouthed hockey player speeds down the deserted streets, and they glance at you, both slightly amused.

Dimension X trees are everywhere, those little gray Mop things (that Leo stated are not as cute as they look), and silence. The one thing you thought could never inhabit New York city, is everywhere. Hanging overhead, a threatening, eerie silence that pretty much everyone hates.

You squeeze out of your spot between the Leader and the Inventor, on your knees as you waddle over to the window linking you and the Turtles to Casey and April. Peeking over, you see that you're surrounded by Kraang, and groan.

"I hate these guys." You mutter.

"Tell me about it." Leo sighs. The turtles load the weapons, and after begging Donnie, he lets you shoot a soda-mentos launcher.

"Woo! Take that Kraang!" You grin after you nail one in the face.

"Ok, Y/n, I think that's enough Kraang blasting for one day, huh?" Donnie remarks nervously. You chuckle and move, letting the boys play.

After taking the aliens out with a stink bomb, you drive out of there and into the sewers.

"There's so many Kraang." You whisper. Raph grunts.

"What'd ya expect? The Kraang to take a certain part of the city and leave the rest untouched?"

"Of course not. I'm just not used to this many Kraang." You reply, following Raph as you all move forward.

You come to a subway entrance, and everyone presses against the wall when a Kraang droid walks by. Casey reaches for his weapons, but Raph stops him.

The Kraang hears the soft clatter of Casey's bats and hockey sticks, and looks around for the source. Luckily, you all hide up above, and the Kraang droid leaves.

"That was close." You sigh as Donnie pulls you up all the way, and send a glare to Casey.

"April, do you think you could find Master Splinter with your powers?" Donnie inquires.

"I don't know.. when you saw him, he said his spirit was no longer with his body. That means he could be crazy, or unconscious, or.. who knows what." She sighs.

"Ooh! What about the Lair!" Mikey exclaims. You smile, and the others agree.

Leo, Donnie and Raph search the Lair while the rest of you wait, to the disappointment of you and Mikey.


The three Turtles return, breathing heavy and empty handed.

"We found nothing." Leo speaks after catching his breath.

"And the Kraang have some weird security system to keep us from coming back." Raph adds.

Mikey sighs in frustration.
"Why don't we just go and take back the Lair?! I miss my home, my comic books, my pizza, my unicorn guy action figure, my-"

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