First Date: Donnie

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"All my friends are heathens, take it slow.... wait for them to ask you who you know.." you sang in the empty Lab, dancing along as you cleaned up after the green skinned scientist.  You didn't notice the spiced brown eyes watching from outside the heavy Lab door, which was opened slightly just for him to look in. He smiled as you sang your heart out, spinning around and swinging your hips to the beat, and flinging your limbs around wildly. Donnie couldn't help but chuckle at your.... unique dancing. It was quite adorable.

As the song ended, you slowed down, performing one last spin before it ended completely. Donnie sucked in a breath when you stopped, facing the door and spy his eyes.

"Donnie! You sneaky... sneaky..." you begin. Donnie chuckles, opening the door and walking in.

"Ninja?" He finishes for you, a fond and amused smile playing at his lips. You sigh, showing a small smile.

"Do you need something? Or were you just passing by and decided to spy on me?" You smirked as you spoke, letting Donnie know you were joking.

"Oh.. I actually wanted t-to ask you so-something," he began, cringing at his own stuttering. Your smile grew as you heard the nervousness in his voice, a quirk you were always secretly fond of.

"Well..?" You prodded, one eyebrow rising as you waited.

"Wouldyouliketogoonadatewithme?!" He exclaimed, finishing with a gasp and as he covered his face with his hands, parting his fingers to peek out.
Oh how you love this adorkable nerd.

"Sure. What time should I be ready?" You answered coolly, while on the inside you were freaking out, shouting in your mind, and your inner self was bouncing around with joy.

"Uh.. 6:30?" He replied, although it sounded more like a question. You nod and smile before running out and to your room, grinning like a maniac.


"So," you started, your voice echoing in the dark, dank sewer tunnels. "What are we doing?"

Donnie glanced down at you with a smile, both you and his nerves melting away and multiplying at the sight of one another.
"It's a surprise," is all he said, taking your hand as the sewer caverns grew darker. You looked up, seeing nothing while hearing almost everything. People walking on the sidewalks, cars driving in the busy streets, horns being honked and classic New Yorker's shouting profanities at one another. Then you gazed before you, seeing a never ending darkness ahead, and feeling a large hand smothering yours as the owner of that hand fumbled for his light.

"Ah, there we are!" Donatello smiled as light stretched out, chasing away the shadows to reveal what was ahead. You and Donnie walked forward before stopping at a sewer cover, where Donnie released your hand to move it away and peek out.
"All clear," he muttered, climbing up, "c'mon up gu- oh, sorry." He rubbed the back of his neck before helping you up. "I forgot I'm on a date, not patrol."

You chuckled as he grinned sheepishly, sweeping you up off your feet and climbing to the rooftops.

"Alright.. which way was it.." he murmured, looking around. You gasped when he suddenly took off, jumping over the gaps quickly and quietly. After the shook wore off, a grin spread across your face as you turned your face to the wind. Donnie glanced down at you, smiling himself when he saw you enjoying yourself.

Soon, he came to a stop, making one last jump to a nearby tree in the park. After climbing down and letting you go, he lead you to an open space that seemed forgotten to the world.
Trees grew tall to the sky, their leaves acting as a canopy to hide this beautiful place from the outside world. Birds chirped in the tree branches, greeting their neighbor. Flowers surrounded you, all shapes, sizes and colors. The grass was lush and green, everything was beautiful.

"Wow.." you whispered, your breath leaving puffs of white in the air. Donnie smiled as you looked around in awe, letting the pressure of his powers release. A wave of green and purple left him and was he over the land. The flowers glowed bright with their special colors, capturing your attention. You gasped as the f/c flowers shone brighter, the light reaching out to the darkest corners.

"Do you like it?" Donnie asked hesitantly. You smiled and nodded vigorously, looking around everywhere.

"Its so beautiful here! I-I... just wow!" You exclaimed, sitting on the old stone bench. Donnie smiled and sighed with relief, sitting with you.

The rest of the night was spent talking, with only the birds to interrupt.

*throws confetti* I UPDATED!
Raph's birthday is the 19th BTW!!

*throws confetti* I UPDATED!Raph's birthday is the 19th BTW!!

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*sigh* I'm so in love with him. 💗💗💜💜💖💖

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