First Date: Leo

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You hummed as you cleaned up the kitchen, your special job as a resident of the Lair. You didn't mind it all that much, it was quiet, besides the clatter of dishes, and you had time alone.
As you worked, you didn't notice the audience behind you. The blue masked turtle listened as you hummed while he worked up enough confidence and bravery to ask you something he had been thinking about for a long time. With it being almost two weeks since he finally told you how he felt, he though it was about time you went on a date.
That is, if you accepted.

"Ooh, climbing out the back door, didn't leave a mark, no one knows it's you Miss-" you sang as you turned to clean the table, spying Leo at the doorway and halting your song.

"Oh, hi Leo," you smiled, wondering how long he had been snooping.

"H-hello.. Y/n.. I- uh.. I wanted t-to ask you something, if y-you didn't mind.." He began hesitantly.

"Of course. Ask away!" You persuaded, stopping your cleaning to listen. Your undivided attention, while flattering, also made Leo more nervous as he struggled to continue.

"I-I.. I was thinking.. hoping... that m-maybe, you a-and I might, y'know.." he paused, rubbing the back of his neck as he searched for words.

"... Leo? Are you asking me out, on a date?" You inquired with a pleased tone, a happy and mischievous grin playing at your lips.

Leo looked up, flustered and sheepish.
"Maybe...?" He replied with a nervous chuckle. You giggled lightly as you came around the island table and walked to him.

"Well if you were, I'm pretty sure I'd say yes." You continued, seeing his face light up after you spoke.

"R-really? You would- you will? I mean, would you? Please?" He questioned all at once. All you could do was nod with an amused smile, causing him to smile back. Words spilled from his mouth, what time you'd like for him to get you, that it'd be best to wear something warm and how he was going to make it the best date of your life. Then he ran out, leaving you a bit shocked and amused. You finished your chore and went to get ready, dressing in pants, a long sleeved f/c shirt, along with shoes and a jacket.

At the time he said, Leo appeared in front of your door, looking happy and slightly nervous.

"H-hey Y/n. You look very beautiful." He complimented, extending his hand for you to take. You did so, smiling.

"So, where are we going?" You questioned excitedly. Leo smiled at your enthusiasm.

"I-It's a secret, but I know you'll love it." He grinned, removing the man hole cover and climbing up before helping you out. The cold night air hit the skin on your face and hands. Now you were glad you wore a sweater.

"C'mon!" Leo now called excitedly, holding out his hand for you. You took it, almost immediately being pulled into his arms as he pulled out his grappling gun and shot up. The hook end caught the ledge of a building and pulled you both up. Once you two were standing safely on a rooftop, Leo released you from his warm embrace, returning to holding your hand.

"It's beautiful up here. Especially the moon." You smiled, causing Leo to smile fondly in return.

"Just wait til we get to where we're going." He replied, pointing down to the park. Your smile grew as you both traveled down and walked among the trees and nature. Soon you came to the spot where Leo confessed, with the addition of a small boat, just large enough for two.

"Voilà," he chuckled nervously, waiting for your reaction. You smiled at him and pulled him to the boat, sitting down happily as he pushed it into the water and jumped in. As you neared the center of the pond, Leo trailed his hands through the water, causing it to sparkle and glimmer.

"Wow.." You whispered, watching the stars reflections shimmer like little diamonds. Leo blushed and continued, making small circles. Very slowly, the water rose, forming into a mountain, then a back, a head of silver hair, a pair of eyes could be seen, lips and a nose. A water girl.
She curtsied, her long flowing dress pooling at the bottom of her feet a she did so. Her silver water hair moved so naturally, she almost seemed like a real person, only silver and blue. Her hands were decorated with rings, water flowers sprouted in her hair, and she began to dance. Her movements were so graceful and fluid (ha), you were mesmerized by everything she did.

While your attention was on the water girl, Leo sat back up in the boat and admired you. He really didn't care if you caught him, and he didn't have an excuse. He just wanted to take in your beauty.

Your eyes shined, both from your happiness and the reflection of the stars. Your lips were turned in a small smile, and your cheeks were flushed from the cold night. Your hair, fashioned as you liked, let loose several strands of h/c hair, falling around your face and eyes.

-God, she's beautiful..- Leo thought, smiling with pure and absolute joy.

"Why thank you Leo," you blushed, pulling him out of his thoughts to realize he said that out loud and you caught him staring.

"Y-you.. I-I.. I-I'm so sorry, I-I didn't mean to st-stare so lo-long, I just.. uhh.."

Your bright and cheerful laughter set Leo to ease, as did your smile and voice.

"It's ok. It's actually flattering.." You assure him, smiling shyly. He smiles back, staying silent.
A sudden gust of cold air makes you hug yourself, your sweater not doing it's job, to your disappointment.
"Brr.. chilly," you muttered, rubbing your arms for warmth. Leo blinked a few times, processing and trying to figure out a solution. After a second of thinking, he hesitantly opened his arms and pressed you against his body, allowing you to share his body heat. Your blush returned, brighter and more visible, but didn't stop you from accepting the hug, wrapping your arms around his shell and letting your bodies warm one another.

"W-we should probably h-head back before I go into hibernation." Leo half joked. You responded with a chuckle and a nod, letting him go and allowing him to row the boat back to shore.

Neither one of you noticed two eyes watching you in the dark, or heard mechanical whirring as they turned and left.


"I had a great time," you smiled up at Leo, feeling the sip of warm hot chocolate you just had taking effect. Leo smiled back, taking a drink of his hot chocolate.

"I'm glad. I hoped you would, or else the water girl would've been for nothing. I practiced her and her dance for two hours almost everyday in the kitchen sink!" He exclaimed, wrapping the blanket you were sharing closer around you both. You chuckled and directed your eyes to the TV screen as the movie began, leaning on Leonardo, happy.

"Well I'm pleased to inform you that was the best first date of my life." You sighed, making Leo's heart swell with relief and happiness.

-Oh, thank God..- He sighed with relief and content.

"Master," a thick Jamaican accented voice speaks, "I believe both the leader and the girl are, how should I say, smitten for each other. ... No, sir, it won't be a problem, in fact, hehehe.. it just might help. .... Yes sir, I will."


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