Calum || Jorja

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Text Message
3:04 am

You Awake?

God, she was such a guy. I smiled at the message and responded with the only plausible response. 


Ha Ha. Very Funny. 

There were only two things that I could think of that would lead her to text me this late: 
+Shes lonely
+Booty Call 
They kinda go together, but I honestly wasn't in the mood for a smash and dash. Honestly, it was getting a little too much for me. Too much to the point that I had done the girl thing and gathered feelings.  As well as placing them somewhere they didn't belong. 

Come over?

Can't sleeping.

And that was the end of that conversation.  I knew very well that she was going to tell me that I am a trash human being that surely had the same qualities as her dumb-ass EX. I would take each word like it meant nothing because she was hella attractive when she was pissed.  Which oddly would result in what she wanted in the beginning. Fuck, I had to tell her.  I had to tell her the truth or it would result in more self-loathing than I had already reserved for myself tomorrow after angry sex. So, I texted Jorja the thing I wanted to avoid saying all night. 

Be there in 10.


Oddly here we were making out in her living room. Her eager hands grabbing at the hem of my shirt. I had to step back, come on brain work.  I beg you. Lightly pushing at her shoulders she stepped back looking at me confused. 

"Can we talk?" I asked. 

"Talk later," She instructed stepping towards me. 

Shaking my head, "No, now." 

I don't know if she looked offended or pissed off but her arms crossed over her chest.  Waiting for this conversation to be over so we can possibly get back to the reason she invited me over.  But I knew after I told Jorja why I agreed to come over, there would be no sex. 

"I'm waiting.." 

"Okay, so we have known each other for how long? and this," I gesture between us, "has been happening for like a year or so."

"Yeah, so what?" Oh yeah, she was pissed. 

"Well, I had become the girl in the situation." 

Angry vanished as confusion set in. But before I had a chance to explain realization was the final stage.  She was aware of what I meant, and there I was avoiding the exact phrase.  The phrase that took too much time to even tell myself. 

"God Cal.." The rejection was coming, I could feel it.  This was over and there was no need to act like everything was going to be fine. 

"Do you think you could put your feelings aside?" 


Jorja was really the guy in this and I'm not sure if it was a turn on or not. Could I put my feelings aside, but what if she decided she wanted to be in a relationship with some douche at a cafe.  What was I meant to do, act like everything was fine and I had never liked her? 

"Come on Calum, why ruin this? Feelings are feelings they vanish as quick as they appear." 

"Yeah but..being in love with someone is different." I widened my eyes as the secret just poured out of me. 

My heart was slowly breaking, all I needed was one more hit to finally hit the hating life stage.  Right now I just hated myself and myself alone. Jorja was speechless, and I had never wanted to place myself in this type of situation again.  There is never a case where they end the way both parties wanted them to. I honestly, wished I was in that small ass percent.  I wanted to be happy, and I wanted to be happy with her. 

Jorja stayed silent as she walked over to the door, opening it she finally looked at me.  Her eyes were empty, with no emotion.  Just nothing. 

"I think it's best if you go." Her words were the final blow. 

Nodding I did what she wanted.  I left not even looking back.  But I wish I did, I wish I fought for her.  Barged into that house explaining to her that I wasn't going anywhere.  And that I would do everything in my power to make her happy.  To show her that sex is just sex but is something more when you love someone. I didn't, I didn't do a damn thing but let her slip through my fingers.  

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