Michael || Ellie

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Why don't you guys just date already?

Everyone has been asking you that question for a few years now but you didn't understand why they are asking. Yes you and your best friend are close, really close. And yes you guys are always together. But date, that was just to far.

You loved him. That couldn't be hid. And you had a feeling he loved you but you were scared that it would be a little more then attended. The question has been bothering you for awhile now. As his friends even ask it.

You have tried planning it out in your head. Dating would some how go smoothly and you would be extremely happy. But the chance of a little drama involved in the process would ruin it. You couldn't imagine your life without Michael some how in it.

You laughed to yourself as your thoughts started to get a little out of hand. "What's so funny?" Michael question as he stayed seated beside you.

You shook your head smiling not wanting to tell him. Just the imagine of you two married with kids makes you giggle. But telling him would either cause him to ask questions, and those questions you weren't ready to answer.

"Come on tell me." He urged.

Why not tell him maybe he will get a laugh out of it as well.

"You know how all our friends say we should date?" He nodded. "Well I was just thinking that what if we did. Then later in the future we got married and had kids."

"You found that funny?" He questioned seeming a little offended.

"The image of you dying 'our' sons hair orange is what made me laugh." He shakes his head as he lightly laughs.

"You know he might have liked it."

"Talking about a child that isn't even here or just a family is weird." You stated leaning back on the couch.

"And how is that weird?" Michael seemed to be intrigued with the topic. What had gotten into him.?

"We're best friends. Not a loving couple." You say as if it's nothing.

You didn't want to discuss this with him. It was just awkward and he seemed to want answers.

"But people think we already are in a relationship." He stated with annoyance.

"Well we're not."

"Why not?"

"What?" You ask making sure you heard him right.

"Why not be in a relationship.?"

"Because..." You trailed on.

"Because why?" You couldn't think of anything to say. And Michael seemed to know exactly what he was doing.

"Ellie, I know you love me. And it's obvious I love you. But it's not a best friend love. It's way more, and I can't help but think of you in a romantic way. Kissing you, hugging you, having you lay your head on my chest as you sleep. I need that. I need you." Michael was no turned to face on as you just looked at him.

"I don't know..." He grabbed your hand pulling you towards him. You stayed seated on his lap as he held you by your waist.

"I'm not going to pressure you. Take as much time as you need. I'll wait for you forever if I have to." He softly spoke as he kissed the top of your head.

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