Michael || Ellie

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It was getting agitating as you have tried everything to get her to go to bed. But her being Michael's daughter she wouldn't sleep. You stayed laying in her bed with her as you read her another story. You looked over to her as her eyes were closed and a soft snore came from her lips.

You breathed a sigh of relief as she was finally asleep. Having a three year old that was a complete daddy's girl. Was a little challenging when her dad was off on your. You have tried everything to get her to sleep, from singing to her to giving her warm milk. She still would he wide awake.

But to your advantage she was finally asleep you eased out of her bed not wanting to wake her and deal with everything all over again. Closing her bedroom door you let out a breath. Thank god, you wouldn't have to read another damn story about a dog.

You headed to your bedroom as you tossed the book into the chair in the corner before flopping down on your bed. You never thought Michael being on your would he so hard, but your daughter seemed to make it worse with each passing day. Her cries for him as you would tell her no. Her coming into your bedroom begging for her daddy to come back.

But you have been the best you could for her in his absence. You heard her feet pad against the floor as she turned the doorknob to your bedroom. Her messy hair was everywhere as she rubbed her eye. Her blanket held tightly to her chest as she rushed to you.

"Mommy i can't sleep." She whined.

"Lacey, baby please try. Mommy is tired." You muttered to her trying another reasoning.

"But I can't sleep without daddy being here."

"I know baby." You look to the clock on the bedside table as it reads 12:30pm. You thought of how Michael was in another timezone. You got an idea.

You picked up your daughter placing her beside you as you reached under the bed and grabbed your laptop. You quickly went to skype and called Michael. Your daughter keep her eyes glued on the screen as it said connecting.

"Hey" Michael said as his face showed up on the screen.

"Daddy!" Lacey cheered as she saw him.

"Lacey why aren't you alseep?" Michael questioned in a stern voice causing your daughter to look down.

"I've been trying to get her to sleep for three hours now. She will not sleep."

"Baby why can't you sleep?"

"Because you aren't here to sing to me." Lacey softly spoke up causing Michael to smile.

You put Lacey under the covers as Michael instructed before he softly started to sing to her. She cuddled her blanket close to her chest as she soon fell to sleep. Michael stopped as he saw she was asleep.

"Thank you." You said in a whisper.

"I'll be there in two weeks, Ellie. I can't wait to see you guys."

"Same Michael. As you can tell we miss you." You stated. Her smiled at you before yawning.

"Babe, I'm going to head to bed. I love you guys."

"We love you to Michael."

With that he ended the call. You couldn't wait for two weeks to quickly drift by so you can have your family whole again. You placed your computer back under your bed as you got under the blankets beside you snoring daughter. She shift in her sleep before snuggling into your side. You kissed the top of her head before whispering, "two more weeks baby an daddy is home."

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