Luke || Lila

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It was the end of the line. Everything was falling around to and you couldn't keep letting yourself and the people you love sink. You knew when you moved in with him you stashed an extra blade with your books. You rush into the house not knowing if anyone was around or even caring to that point.

As you got closer to the shared bedroom you heard the sound of things getting thrown around as profanities are heard. You crack the door a little to see Luke standing by your side of the bed as he rummages through the drawers of the table. You watch in shock as he flips then flips it as he runs his hands through his hair.

"Luke, what are you doing?" You softly question as you slowly enter the cluttered room.

"Don't even question my actions right now Lila!" His voice stern and so demanding.

You have never seen him like this as long as you've known him. He walks past you not even muttering another word. You follow after him curious as to what was stuck up his ass. You stay close behind him as he enters the kitchen leaning on his elbows as he stares down at the counter.

"What is wrong with you?"

"I found this today!" He slides the blade towards you.

You look to him and then back to the one thing that helped ease your pain.

"You promised Lila. YOU FUCKING PROMISED!"

"Luke I never wanted you to find it." You mumble not being able to look at the furious boy that loved you through everything.

"You swore to me that you threw all of them out before we moved in. You said I helped you with coping. What changed?" His voice softened as his blue eyes starred at you.

"I hate life Luke. No matter how hard I try to be happy it all fails. Something ruins it and I don't want to cause you more pain then I have. That's why I kept it. If I needed it I would have it. I failed you I'm sorry."

"Hey" He moved away from the counter and wiped away your falling tear. "Don't cry. You know I can't stand when you cry."

You couldn't help but laugh a little. He has always been so caring since the night he found you sitting in your bathroom with your wrist dripping blood. The blade still held tightly in your hands. He promised that he would always be there for you as you promised to stop. But you broke your promise.

"Talk to me if you feel this way again please." He cupped your face in his hands as he made you look at him.

"I will."

"No more cutting. You are a beautiful girl. You are the girl that means so much to me that I swear this sounds so corny but without I would be lost. I need you here Lila." With those last words he brought his lips to yours.

The kiss was sweet. He pulled away. Dropping his hands from your face. "I love you."

"Lila!" Luke yelled your name from the floor as he kept tickling your daughter. "A little help, she's getting kicky."

You laughed a little as you got down beside him in the floor as you started tickling your 4 year old daughters feet. Her laughter got louder as she begged for you guys to stop.

"I think she's had enough." Luke's hand stop moving as her laughter dials down.

"So what have you learned?" He questions her.

"Never try to beat daddy in a tickle fight."

He picks her up as she giggles at him. You stay seated on the floor as you look upon him and her. You remember the day you found out you were pregnant. Luke was beyond excited, he made sure you were perfectly fine before leaving for rehearsals and tours. His calls were frequent. But you loved how he worried.

The memory of him finding your last blade still stay in your mind. It was the day you knew life would get better. He loved you. It was what you needed. With just three words your worked flipped up side down. It was the perfect medicine for your depression. He was what you needed all along.

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