Luke || (Y/N)

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You stayed seated in your usual spot not wanting to be bothered by anyone unless it was the one guy that made your heart beat miss a step. You always stayed seated where you did incase you would catch him acting as you where just sitting around, not waiting for him. That would be a little weird, right? But any other stances where you were placing yourself was normal, and no one expected a thing. Hopefully.

Your laptop stayed placed on your lap as you just knew that there was going to be one second you would look up and he would be walking towards you smiling and asking how have you been. But this time it wasnt as what you wanted his presence was placed with another. She was beautiful, you swore to yourself that the rumors you heard where just his way to get this one girl off his back but with what you were seeing it was true. You felt your heart break into a million pieces as you spotted the two.

He smiled that broad smile he always did when he spotted you, he asked how have you been and you spoke a soft good. He looked at you puzzling for a minute, did he see how uncomfrotable you were at this very moment with her presnce. He asked a quick are you okay and you spoke yeah i am fine. He smiled soon wondering that everything was how it needed to be.

"we should talk sometime." He spoke as he walked away.

"Yeah" you muttered. "Bye Luke." He smiled at you before heading off leaving you sulking in your own self pitty.

You knew all your friends were tired of hearing about him, and the honest truth you were tired of talking about him. But he seemed to always step into your mind. If it wasnt the casual conversations when he notices you or the idea of his sweet words. Everything seemed to spark your memory of some words he has spoken to you. But as you recall seeing her you knew you couldnt face him any longer, you couldnt deal with his happiness if you werent involved and you knew you never would be. Like seriously this was Luke, he had everything from charm to witty comments but now he was with someone.

The worst fear you could ever convience yourself that would happen. You knew it was going to happen sooner or later but at this point you wished it was later and possibly with you. You remeber catching yourself crying over him, pathetic right? Like this guy wasnt anything no matter how beautiful his eyes were or how perfect his hair was always placed......

what whas happening again.....oh yeah the girl he was with. You envied her. In everyway someone could be jealous you were reaching the main level, the said truth was he didnt even notice. It was obvious to the seeing eye that he was the main guy you were crushing on....but how could he not see it? Or does he? Many questions play over in your head and you just cant seem to find the right one to fit the situation, if he does know then why hasnt he brought it up to you in the many conversations that you both had shared. You knew what was going to happen next, you were feeling down your heart rate was increasing and the self pitty was being placed. You were inches away from crying, you cant cry over him anymore but here you are stitting in a awkward spot with people passing you. Tears were soon going to be streaming down your face and there was possibly nothing you could do about it at this moment. You grab your laptop before standing up and running off. This was it, the need of space, but as you storm off you hear the voice again as it was laced with concern.

"Are you sure you are okay?" His accent was something that made you just swoon, do people say that anymore. You didnt care that was the feeling you had everytime his voice was heard. "hey?"

You notice him starring at you as his hands were placed on your shoulders. You blinked a couple times before nodding your head and scurring off. His voice called for you but you couldnt take it anymore you needed to let him go, but the question was could you endure it. the idea of not talking to him anymore. Its easy avoiding him but could you do it and just run off when you see him. You felt a tear stream down your face as you knew you couldnt hold them in any longer. He was going to be the death of you and he doesnt even know it. The placement of a hand on your shoulder made you jump in surprise. Turning quickly to face the stranger, your eyes widened. His chest moved rapidly as he seemed to be out of breath.

"I know something is wrong just please tell me." You took a deep breath, this was going to be it. "Follow me" you muttered turning back facing forward as you walked to your familiar room. He entered behind you as you gestured him to be seated.

"So Luke...." You stop mid-sentence as you noticed his hands were placed around a book.

"Did you write these?" looked to him and back to the book before trying to take it from his graps.

"No, answer the question then i will give it back to you." He smirked knowing he was going to get his answer by the reaction you had towards what his eyes scanned over.

You nodded feeling a little heartbroken to what might come next. He closed it and placed it infront of you, "Why didnt you tell me?" His voice was soft as his eyes stayed looked onto yours.

"I couldnt, you are so out of my leage and it would be werid to be like 'Hi we just fully met and i find you extremely attractive.' so i kept eveything to myself." He nodded as to he understood your stand point.

"I care about you, you know this. But i cant further anything with you. See i just dont seem like the fit for you, its not that i think i am better then you i just think you are better then me. You have told me this personal information and i confinded in you for certain things and i just want to keep it that way. And yes i am seeing someone at the moment and i understand your feelings i do, i just want us to stay the way we are for now. Do you understand?"

You nodded knew at the momment he would walk out you would be in full tears. But he seemed to be more concered then the idea of rejecting you and leaving. "Hey, no tears okay. I know you think this is a rejection but its me i would be dumb as hell to reject you. But maybe later one something could blossom. In time okay, everything has just started and if we do get together i dont want to fuck anything up." You smiled at his wording.

"Okay" He smiled back before leaving you to yourself.

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