Michael || Opal

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the rain kept hitting the window as the storm raged on. every few minutes a loud clap of thunder would make you jump as the flash of lightning lit up the sky.

you snuggled closer to Michael as you knew he was smiling. taking your attention away from the window and the actions going on outside you focused on the TV as the movie continued to play. he was pretty sure that the only thing you can watch during a rain storm is a long series of scary movies. you tried talking him out of it but he was very persuasive  as he promised you anything you wanted if you watched the movie series with him. so obviously you agreed, knowing that this little promise will come surely in handy in later time.

but one thing you didn't know was that he would have picked the insidious movie series. you have made a serious promise to yourself to avoid those movies at all costs as everyone kept telling you just how scary they were. there was nothing that you hated more was than some scary movie that made everything frighting of out literally nothing.  you couldn't even go into a doll store for months after seeing Annabelle. he kept his arm secured around you as your body kept tensing as the movie played on, you wanted to so badly get up and run out the room, but his grip on you was quite strong.

you felt his lips against you hair as he muttered. "its okay baby, i'm here." 

you didn't respond as you cuddled into him. you didn't know what was happening as you couldn't watch anymore. your eyes were closed as your hand gripped his shirt, his chest vibrated as you knew he was laughing at you. Your hand smacked his chest as you kept covering your eyes as you buried your face farther into his side. He continued to hold onto you tightly as you tried to block out the sound the of piercing screams.

"okay i'm done!" you yelled as you moved away from him and rushed to the bedroom.

shutting the door behind you the sound of thunder made you slightly jump everything in the room was soon illuminated as lightning flashed outside the window. Everything was getting too much. The scary movie to the storm possibly soon going to knock out the power.

"Opal?" Michael's voice echoed through the door as you just stood there in the dark.

Your mind races to what happened in the movie, soon a fear of someone lurking in the dark was current in your mind. You wanted to believe that nothing like that could happen as movies are half the time made up, half the time. Everyone has always mentioned that there was a point that there was a story based behind the film. Just the thought of something such as that being real made your body tense up.

The sound of something creaking made you began to shake. She's here, Annabelle is here. As the creaking continued to sound you began to prepare yourself for a hit and run. A presence was soon felt behind you as you knew this was your moment. Shifty turning around you punched, as hard as you can, at what you believed to be the evil girl doll thing.

But as a manly groan was heard as a familiar voice mutters "what the fuck Opal?!"

You quickly walked over to turn on the lights as Michael stood hunched over with his hand covering his eye. "Why the hell did you punch me in the eye?!"

"I thought you were that evil doll thing?" You spoke feeling guilty for hitting him.

You quickly left the room to go get him something to place on the soon to be black eye. Heading back to the room you handed him the towel wrapped ice pack. He glared at you before taking it and applying it to the throbbing area. You watched as he headed to the bed. You continued to stay where you were, fiddling with your fingers.

"Remind me to never show you scary movies again." He said laughing.

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