Ashton || Amanda

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Ashton has been pacing the floors since he called you instructing he was coming over. You didn't know what was up with him but he was pretty riled up about something.

"Ashton are you - "

"Don't fucking talk okay!"

"Excuse me? You came to my house and you are instructing my not to talk?" You crossed your arms over your chest as she just looks at you.

You couldn't believe this. You were worried something was wrong but you ask and he blows up on you. This bullshit was getting pretty old and the day has manly just started. He continued to pace the floors, his hands balled as fist at his sides. Something really must have pissed him off.

"Why?" He question after a minor silence.

"Why what?"

"Don't play dumb with me Amanda I know what you did."

What you did? You were so lost. You haven't done anything, especially nothing to make him this enraged.

"I'm not playing anything Ashton I don't know what you are talking about."

He started to laugh. This laugh wasn't like the one you always loved to hear it was different. He had no remorse or emotion. "Fucking Michael made your memory vanish?"

Fucking Michael? What the hell is he talking about. You didn't say anything as he just looked at you. He started to shake his head as his thoughts were getting crowded.

"I fucking knew it." He stated before heading towards the door.

You got up, wanting to talk this out with him. You knew he was to mad to understand that this has to be a mistake. But the way Ashton's anger was he wasn't up for a compromise. You reached your hand out to grab his forearm.

"Don't!" He turned to look at you as his jaw was clenched. You could see how mad he was. "This is over."

And with that he was gone. You didn't know what to say or even think. You sleeping with Mikey was a strange thing. How the hell did his mind come up with that? You stood there puzzled and confused.


Four weeks ago he walked out. You tried calling. But no answer. You were pissed to extreme. The sadness of him leaving has vanished but the declaring of something you have never done is what has your blood boiling.

You thought of many things you would say to him if you saw him. Him not even giving you a chance to talk was pretty damn low. And this was just the tip of your anger. You talked to the guys wondering where he would have gotten such a fucking stupid assumption from.

Finding out Michael has a new girlfriend with the name Amanda. Maybe Ashton heard then having sex and heard Michael groan her name in some sentence. But that surely didn't give him a right to blow up.

You stayed seated in the living room just trying to get your mind around everything. Your heard some clear their throat you looked and noticed him standing by the door.

"Amanda I'm -"

"You had your fucking turn to talk and now it's mine." You snapped standing up from your seat.

"You accused me of having sex with Michael when I surely fucking didn't. You kept yelling at me, and then braking up with me without me even answering your dumb-ass question."

He just stood their as you finished your rant. You felt relieved to have gotten it all out.

"You done?" He asks.


Without saying anything he kisses you. You didn't protest but kissed back. "Amanda I'm sorry okay. I fucked up by assuming you were fucking Michael. Funny thing he has a new girlfriend named Amanda." He says with a chuckle. "I shouldn't have blown up on you. Please take me back."

You looked into those eyes you loved. How could you stay mad at him? Yes he blew up on you and made you feel like complete shit. But you couldn't deny your love for him.

"Do you even have you ask?" You say with a broad smile as he pulls you into a hug. You just kept hoping this wouldn't end up like last time. Thank god for Michael covering for you. You just know now he isn't as oblivious as you thought.

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