Luke || (Y/N)

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*I got this idea while I was at the beach. When I saw a cute guy that kinda reminded me of Luke. ;) Wish I would have talked to him but my nerves got in the damn way.*


"Come on go to the pool with me." Your best friend was getting despite as she kept begging.

You were so focused on the FIFA World Cup, you didn't want to do anything. She talked you into coming to the beach as you grew of a plan wanting to meet so hot guys but as the games started to play you couldn't look way.

"After this game." You mumble signalling her to stop talking.

"That's what you said about the last one." She groaned flopping down I the couch beside you.

"This game is important." You mumble sticking a handful of chips in your mouth as you mumble profanities at the tv as your favourite player gets fouled.

"You have a serious problem."

"No I don't."

You focus back on the tv as another player is fouled. This game was getting intense and you knew any second someone was going to score a goal. As the player neared the goal you were on the edge of your seat.

"What the fuck!" You almost scream as the screen goes black.

You look over at your best friend as she holds the remote in her hands as a sinister smile crosses her face. "Now go change."

You mumble a few unflattering words as you enter the bathroom dreading keeping the remote on the table.

"The pool is about to close. Let's just go back, the game highlights are probably-"

"Enough this is a vacation not you watching stupid FIFA all day!" She snapped as you entered the gate towards the pool.

You groan not really wanting to be around all these kids. You decided to just relax with your feet dangling in the water as you watched your best friend swim. But she had different options. She pushed you in as she laughed.

"Not funny." You mumbled as you came back up.

"To me it was. Relax, have fun." She said nudging you.

Relax. Hmm, I was relaxing watching FIFA. But now I'm surrounded by loud children and old people. Man this is fun.....not really.

Your thoughts went wild as you just leaned agains the side of the pool as you watched the children play. You couldn't help but giggle as one kept making weird noises.

"Damn." You looked over to see your friend starring off into the distance as a boy stayed seated in the hot tub.

Damn indeed.

You couldn't help but stare at him. His hair placed under a hat as he seemed to be relaxed.

"Let's go talk to him." She stated as she started to get out of the pool.

"No. No. Get back here." You demanded as she started to head towards him.

Fuck. You didn't want to be the weirdo that just looked onto him. So you decided to follow after her. She seemed to jump right into conversation with him.

"Hey. This is Luke." She said pointing to the cute guy.

You shyly smiled before introducing yourself. He smiled back before jumping back into conversation with her. She was so confident. You envied her for that. But in shock he started to question you. You tried to not let your nerves get the best of you as you answered him.

The pool was slowly getting empty as the time soon ticked by. You decided to leave as Luke followed behind. He was a sweet guy nothing to be nervous about you thought but as he walked beside you, the nerves were something that was meant to be there.

"What floor?" He questioned stepping into the elevator.

"6" You shyly replied. He just smiled onto you as the elevator doors closed.

You waited anxiously for the elevator to stop on your floor. When the doors open you stepped out. Shockingly he stepped out behind you.

"Can't have a gorgeous girl as yourself walk to your room alone." He stated with a wide smile.

Your best friend nudged you as she walked ahead of you and Luke. You couldn't help but blush as he just smiled more.

"Well. I'll see you around?" He questions.

"Defiantly." You found some sort of confidence. He smirked in approval before walking off. Leaving your mind in a daze as you can't wait to see him again.

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