Ashton || Hayley

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You stayed waiting. you knew his little late night phone call wouldn't go unnoticed, well not this time. your door kept tapping the floor. you were expecting him any minute. by his phone records the calls with her usually last an hour.

as you looked to the clock on the wall you heard his voice outside the door. right on time. he is never one to be late, even cheating on you he had an organized schedule. you heard his voice drift as most likely he hung up.

the lights were off in your shared bedroom. he mostly likely was going to get into the bed and kiss you cheek as he drifted off to sleep. his usual stunt, but as the door opened. you watched his figure quickly take off his jeans as he was getting ready to play you like he usually did.

but as you flicked the lamp on he stopped. he looked to you curiously before proceeding with his actions. he seemed to be okay with your eyes in him as you wish he could feel the pain you felt inside. you were breaking, crumbling.

"turn off the lamp and come to bed." his voice was stern. oh now he wasn't to be demanding.

"where were you.?"

"I had to handle something. no turn off the lamp." he laid in his usual spot on the bed a he waited for you to do as he said. but he didn't have control over the situation as you did.

"handle what ash?"

"Hayley turn off the damn lamp."

"answer the god damn question!" he presence was removed from the bed a he got back to his feet.

"it's my business not yours."

"Ashton we are together. I need to know."

"no you fucking don't. I swear just stay out of my damn business." he started to redress and you knew if you didn't call him out now, he would run to her.

"when you're cheating on me I think it becomes my business."

he eyes looked to you. the way he looked at you as if you were crazy makes you feel like you sorta are.

"don't be stupid."

"I have proof." he stopped.

you knew you had in right where you wanted him. he had no where to go. he was stuck in a place that he couldn't get out of.

"bullshit Hayley, nothing is happening you are just fucking paranoid."

you got up from your seat, heading towards him as to clutched the envelope in your hands. if this wasn't enough proof for him, there was something meant a lot wrong with him. tossing the envelope in front of his feet you flipped him off before walking out.

nothing went the way you planned but now you were out of the house. he had to pick this shit up and organize it all before you ever thought of coming back.

months passed no word from him. you were beginning to be believe he chose her over you. you were a lost for words, no sleep has been presented as all your thoughts drifted to him.

the same old café was barely packed pure usual. you never left your seat until closing time. just a way to process everything and if possibly what you would have to do is move on. just thought of being with someone besides Ashton made you cringe.

"is this seat taken?" you shook your head not really wanting to look up at the person. but knowing you had to leave.

"Hayley, please don't leave."

it was him, Ashton was here. you looked as he stayed seated in front of you.

"so you were right. I fucked up, I was communicating with another girl through uh sexting."

your heart dropped at his confession.

"but through what happened a month ago and having the long period of time to think I've realized I was dumb. sexting was stupid of me to do as I have this beautiful girl that was waiting for me at home. I was foolish and compacted by lust not love. I never loved that girl. I only love you. another chance please."

you nodded knowing your life would be hell without him and him admitting he was wrong is a big step. you knew you would have to keep a bigger eye out for what he does but you loved him and nothing was going to change that.


sorry if this imagine and the ones before suck.

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