Luke || Kia

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You were in the back of the car squished between a fighting couple. You didn't know what to think nor say. But Ashton's voice got louder as she yelled to his girlfriend. Who delivered the same time of voice back to him. You placed your head in your hands not knowing exactly what to do. You looked up to the passenger seat to see Michael holding back a laugh.

You wanted to so badly yell at them beside you to shut up and yell at Michael for laughing in your torture. You felt the car stop with a jolt as the yelling stopped. Luke took the keys and got out of the car slamming the door behind him. Ashton stopped yelling and so did his girlfriend. They looked to you wondering if you knew what was up. You shrugged your shoulders before asking Ashton if he could let you out.

"Luke!" You yelled stepping out of the car and jogging up to him. His hand was furiously running through his hair as he spoke to himself.

"I swear I'm going to fucking kill them." He spoke up looking back at the car. Michael stepped out as you heard yelling before he slammed the door.

You wanted to yell for Michael to stay but he kept walking off not even looking back. You knew that the night was ruined when she flirted with the guy behind the bar. Ashton hated other guys paying a split but of attention to her. But she knows exactly what to do to push his buttons.

"I mean they ruined the whole fucking night. This is one reason I will never be in a relationship." Luke's words stung. You wished that possibly you guys could take the next step.

You looked down not wanting to show any sign of being hurt. "Hey Kia, I didn't mean-" You shook your head giving him a small smile, "it's fine."

You walked ahead of him placing your hands in your pockets. This was possibly the worst night of your life and you sure wanted to get it over with. Luke's little rejection towards you was heartbreaking but you understood his point. Just the idea of being in a relationship that Ashton is in would worry anyone.

You kept your head down as you kept walking. You knew you were getting further away from the car as the noise level has went down. Luke didn't seem to follow you, you mean why would he...


You looked up turning to see Luke jogging to you. You didn't know why but you smiled. Just the sight of him running towards you after you walking off makes you feel a little at ease.

"Are you sure you're fine. I didn't mean anything like that when I said what I did." Luke rambled on as he tried to catch his breath.

"Luke it's fine I understand. I mean who would want to be in a relationship with me anyways." You mumbled under your breath turning away from him.

"Hey, I would. They just have me pissed off. Okay. I would love to be in a relationship with you, I mean I don't invite you to hang out for nothing right?" His famous smirk and lip bite was brought back as he looked at you.

You knew his game, he always brought something up. His sweet side would vanish as his cheeky side would take over. He placed his hands on your waist bringing your body closer to his. His embrace was warm and the feeling of hands on you was mind blowing. You looked up at him as his lip stayed between his teeth as he looked down at you.

"I mean I wouldn't mind friends with benefits but knowing another guy has touched you wouldn't be good. I need all you just for me and no one else. I mean come on Kia, I don't flirt with you for fun, or even kiss your cheek in a sweet gesture. I do it because I like you. I mean come on. You hang out with me and my idiot friends. If you can handle them I mean you already perfect but that just tops it all."

You blush as you place your head against his chest. His chest vibrates as he laughs. You smile loving the idea of you guys together. All you need now is a kiss to seal the deal. You removed your head from his chest as he looked at you.

"Kia, so..-" You cut him off as you smirked. "No more questions, just kiss me." He didn't say anything as he lowered his head to meet yours. His hot breath fanned your face as your lips brushed each other's. "Don't have to tell me twice." He stayed smirking before placing his lips on yours.

Your lips moved perfectly against his as his grip on your hips got tighter. Your arms were placed around his neck as the kiss got more intense. The sound of a car horn brought your attention back to reality. You looked to the car where Ashton was seated in the front seat as his girlfriend placed on his lap. You could only guess what was going on.

"Oh my god." You hid your face in Luke's chest as he just laughed.

"Make up sex is the best kind of sex." You gasp trying hitting his chest with you hand. "What it's the truth." He spoke smiling.

"No." You stated looking up at him. "Oh just wake Kia, I'll get you mad one day and then we will be in the same place they out as you beg for me-"

"Luke!" You yell cutting him off.

He laughs. "Oh okay just one step at a time right. But man when that day comes." You couldn't help but laugh.

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