Luke || Emily

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Oh God.

He was perfection. Everything from the small glint in his eyes to his laugh. Just the sight of him made your heart race.

"Dodson!" You swiftly turned around to spot him walking towards you.


He began to laugh as he leaned against the locker closest to yours.

"So weekend plans. I'm feeling up to go to this party, wanna come?" Luke was always the guy to attend the parties and soon swing off with some girl he meant minutes after arriving.

Parties weren't really your thing. Not after the last one; cops crashing, you getting arrested then soon ending up home as your parents bitched at you. You weren't up for a repeat.

"No thanks." You shrugged your shoulders as you closed your locker soon walking off.

"Come on Emily." Luke started to whine as he followed behind you. "You might end up with your dream guy."

You stopped in your tracks, did he know your feelings? Luke started to chuckle as he soon stood in front of you.

"What has it been like a month since you got laid? Maybe you will get lucky this time."

You rolled your eyes as you past him. He always had sex on his mind more then anyone you have ever met. He kept calling you as he continued to beg then he used that one line that always caused you to cave.

"For me..please go."

"Fine, but if I get arrested again I'm ratting your ass out."

He through his hand up in defence as he chuckled. "Yes ma'am."


"Did you hear that Cam will be there?" Your best friend gushed as she feel back on your bed sighing.

She was so worked up in a guy that it wasn't funny but you felt her pain. The ache to be noticed by the one guy that made your heart beat jump. Just all the fantasies you wish would come true. Every little detail -

"Em, are you going to pick a outfit or not?" She said snapping you out if your own thoughts.

"You know I don't do dresses..." you whined as you both walked up to the party.

"If you want Luke to notice you in the way you dream of then this will work."

You knew she was right but why now? The door opens revealing a slightly drunken Cam, your best friend clung to his arm as you tried pushing your way through the sweaty teens. Finally finding a area not to crowded you started to look for his blonde hair. Hoping he didn't leave yet.

But then you noticed him. His hands placed on her waist as her hips moved against him. He looked to be enjoying himself. Feeling a little heart broken you grabbed one of the many red cups lining the table. Not even caring about what it was full with you brought it to your lips soon disposing of all the liquid.


You were 5 drinks in, you've never felt so happy and free in your whole life. You caught yourself swaying to the music as everyone soon started to vanish as the nigh ticked on. After spotting Luke with the tramp you wanted to ease him from your mind and that you have done.

"Hey, no need for a pretty girl to dance alone." You heard a raspy voice behind you.

You didn't care who it was. All you wanted was some attention from someone. He brought your hips to his as you started to move against him.

"Emily.....I'm going to take her home." You drunkly nodded as you think you heard Cam.

The guy behind you soon stepped back his presence no longer behind you. You felt someone grab your wrist as you were dragged up the steps. You tried to keep up to the guy pulling your wrist but you couldn't help but stumble.

"You look different..." The raspy voice spoke again as you heard a door shut and lock.

"Yeah....I-I w-was told I-It would g-grab his attention." You slur as strong arms lead you to what you think is a bed.

"Whose attention?" The voice questions as he slips off your heels.

"Luke's" You crawl back in the bed. Wanting to sleep.

"Min-Luke's why his?"

"I'm deeply in love with him. But sshh don't tell him." You mutter as your eye lids get heavy.


"Shit" You mutter waking up placing your palm on your head.

This is why you don't drink. You hated waking up with a hangover the next day. You looked around the room, you started to panic as you saw your dress laying on the dresser completely folded. You peeked under the blanket covering your body noticing only a tee shirt.

"Don't worry you didn't do anything with anyone."

You noticed Luke raise up from the floor as he just looked at you. Your eyes widened as he took a seat beside you.

"So you were trying to impress me aye?"

Your eyes went wide with his comment. How the hell did he know about any of that.?

"You know when you are drunk you talk a lot." He snickered as you cover your face in embarrassment.

Luke removed the blanket that was covering your face. You never noticed his shirtless body until his body was hovering over you.

"So what did I exactly say?" You question pushing him back as you decided to sit up.

"Umm..." He thought for a minute before a smirk soon spread across his face. "That you are deeply in love with me."

You face palmed knowing there was a reason you never drank. He chuckled a little before questioning with the one thing you knew he would ask.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

Hmmm, why didn't You express your dying affection for him.? Oh wait You got it. He never seemed attracted to you as he always with the bimbo girls that only wanted him for sex; which he kindly gave them. He never seen you nothing but a best friend, one of the guys. His ego would grow more knowing that one of his best friends was slowly falling in love him more and more they were are him.

"Didn't cross my mind." You mutter as your fingers begin to mess with the fabric of the blanket.

"Didn't cross you mind? Come on Em. You with me everyday. Kissing me never crossed your mind. Letting me fuck you senseless never crossed your mind?" That little sparkle in his eye caught your attention. He wasn't telling you everything.

"No....kissing maybe but never the fuck senseless thing has it ever crossed your mind, Hemmings?"

"Wait this isn't about me! I didn't admit my feelings in a drunken state!" He stands up from the bed as his voice rises.

"Admit it. You love me!" You stand up as his shirt hangs down to your mid thigh.

"Em come on. I hate hen you do this." He mumbles running his hand through his hair.

"Hate when I do what?"

"Turn this shit on me. You always do it. Ever since I met you."

"Just tell me what you are hiding and I'll stop." He looks to you thinking you are playing with him.

"Fine." He rubs the back of his neck nervously as he continues to look at the floor. "I've imagined bending you are a few desks in class. Causing myself discomfort but it has happened. Every time you talk to me I stare at your lips wanting to kiss you but I resists."

"So that means." You step a little closer to him.

"Stop fucking doing that!" He pins your body up against the wall. "What do you think it means, Dodson. I love you. I fucking love everything about you."

You clasp your hands behind his neck as he leans his forehead against me as his breathes become uneven. "That's what I thought." You whisper as you stare into his blue eyes.

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