Luke || Eunize

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You stayed shivering as you kept looking off into the distance. You wished you never went to that party. But you were dragged and forced. It wasn't that you hated people or partying. It's just he was there.

This he is just that. Nothing more nothing less. He ruined you. Everything about you was trashed. And he caused more pain tonight. You couldn't stay. He was mocking you knowing your feelings and thoughts.

The rain comes down harder, you didn't know where you were but the further you walked the more the music faded. You placed your arms around yourself wanting to have a little warmth. Closing your eyes you could only see him.

The imagine of him smirking at you as you walked into the house. He planned everything out you knew that nothing would change. He played you for a fool an the sad thing is you let him. You tried not to cry as he was always beside you with a girl.

He just knew what game he was playing and seeing yourself now you knew he played it quite well. You head footsteps against the damped pavement. Your thoughts wondered to what if it was him, but as they passed you by you knew he and everyone else didn't care that much.

The rain continued to pour down. It wasn't the first time you were placed outside in some weather. But last time some one cared enough to be with you. He was so caring and he knew to keep his distance. His blue eyes were breath taking as he just looked at you and listened to your rant.

"Shitty night?" A voice questioned.

You didn't look up at the stranger. You were on edge with any communication at the moment. His presence was beside you as he didn't move.

"Not talking, you sure had a lot to say last time." He chuckled looking across the street.

This was the boy who cared. Why is he always out here.? You felt a little relief of something's but you just didn't know if he was up for your problems yet again. "Why are you always out here?"

"She talks!" He cheered causing you to laugh. "I live at the house that you are sitting in front of."

You followed his gaze as he looks behind him. It wasn't a big house but it was nicer then some you have seen. You turned your attention back ahead, but you did get a quick glance at boy. A beanie was placed on his head.

"Wanna go inside or stay out here?" He questioned.

Last time you were invited into a boys house was the night you became the laughing stalk of the school. Could you trust him? Did he seem like that kind who would be nicer to you? You didn't know what to do. So you followed your gut.

"Okay." You stood up. Your dampened hair falling against your face.

He soon stood up and gestured you to follow him. Your breathing became shaky as he lead you into his house. Following his next gesture got your nerves more rattled. He lead you to a room in the watched as he started going through his drawers.

"Here out these on and I'll dry your damp clothes." He handed you a shirt and some shorts. "You can change in the bathroom." He pointed to a door behind you.

You nodded as you entered the bathroom closing and locking the door. Taking in a deep breath you soon strip your damp clothes and out on his. Walking out you handed him your clothes. He nodded before heading out of the room.

"Can I know your name?" You question as he re-enters the room.

"It's Luke. What's yours.?"


"Well Eunize, what happened to make you sit out on the street in the middle if a storm?" He question taking a seat in his bed and gesturing you to sit in front of him.

"Just ex problems. Nothing to extreme."

He laughed, you didn't understand where his laughter was coming from but it was a nice sound to hear.

"Come on."

"Okay fine. There was a guy who fucked me over and he made sure to hurt me again, he knows how I feel about him so he did what he does best." You stated.

Luke didn't say anything as he just looked at you. You were in shock as his fingertips brushed against your cheek as he placed a loose strand of hair behind your ear. "Sorry." He spoke quietly as he moved his hand away.

"No, don't apologize." You grabbed his hand.

You didn't know what was coming over you but just the presence of him made everything bad in your life slip away. He looked at you as he was curious what was going to happen.

"I never stopped thinking about you since out first meeting." He blurted out moving closer to you.

You let go of his hand as he placed it on your cheek. The pad of his thumb rubbing against your cheek was just an amazing feeling. "You seem to be the only on that cares."

His face inched closer to yours. "Can I kiss you?"

"Please." With your words his lips pressed against yours. The kiss was so gentle, so loving. He pulled away smiling as you did the same.

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