Michael || Abbey

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M I C H A E L 

I couldn't feel my hands.  They were clenched so tightly at my sides, she had crossed the line for the final time and this was going to be the end of everything I could just feel it.  Three years will soon be going down the drain and it is no one's fault but hers. Abbey stayed there staring at me, and I knew that she was going to come up with some dumbass excuse for why Luke was shirtless as well as pantless in my GOD DAMN house. At this point, I didn't want to hear anything but her packing her shit. 

"Michael.." Her voice dragged on, her hand reached out to me but I moved away glaring at her.  I don't know what I would do if she touched me.  I never want to think about hitting her or any woman, but as angry as I am now I don't know if I wouldn't have done it. 

My fits clench tighter, I can feel my nails digging into my palm. 

"Let me explain" 


My voice echoed off the walls, I watched as she stepped back.  Her eyes wide as she just looked at me.  I know that I had surprised her, hell I surprised myself. But how else was I meant to act? There is no soft way to talk to someone that just had never seen a flaw in the way she acted.  I tried the soft-spoken route, I tried to easily tell her the best way possible that I was not okay to kiss strangers in a club when your boyfriend is standing right beside you.  And it doesn't matter how drunk you are, it will never be okay.  Being nice was out the door, and now drowning in the nearest river. 

She started to stutter, her words coming out one letter at a time. Maybe I need to apologize, maybe I should forgive her and just move on with everything and do what I had planned to do in the beginning. Fix her.  


My mind soon changed when the vase that was perfectly placed on the table next to the door where her frozen body once stood soon shattered at my feet. Now I was the one looking with disbelief.  My foot slightly moved the shattered glass against the floor as the small crunch sound made it more real that this had happened and I have never been so happy that her aim was horrid, just like her attitude. 

"Abbey." My voice had this warning tone behind it as I stepped closer to her.  

I dodged as she began throwing random, thank god small, objects at me as I stepped closer to her.  Some barely even passing me.  As I stood in front of her my hands gripped the side of her arms.

"Let go of me!"

"No, not until you calm your crazy ass down!" 

Her eyes stayed locked into mine, I could see some hint of pain, but I was unsure where or even how it had come up.  I had never done anything to hurt her or even upset her.  My whole goal had been to just make her happy and live the life I knew she wanted to live. 

"How can you do this to me?" She questioned. 

I chuckled a little as I let her go from my grip.  My hand going through my messy hair I looked anywhere but her. 

"Do this to you?"

"Yeah.  Like what did I do to deserve this?"

I rolled my eyes not believing this bullshit.  She once again believes that everyone is against her for no reason as she is the only one that is golden in everything and can do no wrong. 

"There you go again, you never take me seriously." Her arms crossed her chest as she glared at me. 

How can she be the one that is pissed right now?

"Do you think you would take me seriously if you came home to a girl being topless in our house?" 

Her face froze, she had no idea that I had spotted him before he had hurried out the front door and down the road carrying his pants in hopes that he would make it to his house soon before he would be spotted. 

"N..no one was here." 

"Really Abbey?" 

I knew she was testing me, she had hoped that I wasn't the one that had stumbled onto her little secret.  Her reaction just shows me that this has been happening longer then I had imagined and how dumb she truly thinks I am. I didn't know how to respond to her, there was nothing more then I wanted to do then just leave her on her own.  In this house where her little affair could continue or make her suffer in her own mistake. 

I sighed before looking at her one last time. 

"You know what Abbey, I am sorry I don't fit into the mold of life you have created for yourself.  I am sorry that I am such a horrible boyfriend that you have to cheat on randoms at the bar as I stand right beside you or that you even have to hook up with my best friend to feel cared for.  Honestly, I am sorry I ever gave a shit about you." 

I don't even wait for her to say anything as I had out the front door slamming to behind me.  I don't want to deal with placing everything into someone when they partially give anything back.  One-sided relationships are toxic as the people in them and I personally rather not suffer anymore.  Walking down the street, I don't even glance back at the home I had filled to the brim with love.  There was nothing left for me there, now it was my time to find happiness with someone that truly loved me as much as I loved them. 

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