Calum || Opal

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I stayed seated on the floor by the door. Her cries stopped hours ago. It pained me not to be in the bed with her and sooth her in that state. Her soft snores were heard as she held into my bedside pillow for dear life.

My nights were usually spent like this. Catching her asleep and making sure that she is okay. I know the break was my idea but I just can't help myself. I need to know she is okay. She starts to toss an turn. I quickly get up and leave her room, not wanting to be there when she wakes up.

I head to the kitchen as I try to act like everything is okay. But living in the same house as her and not being able to show her how much I love her, doesn't make everything okay. I hear her feet against the floor as she enters the kitchen. Her hair was everywhere. I always believed she was so beautiful when she would wake up in the mornings. She glanced to me before taking a apple and heading back towards her bedroom.

That's how it was. Nothing was said between us. We would glance at each other and I would smile but she would look away and go back to her room. I fucked up, but I felt I did the right thing. Maybe I didn't. We didn't officially break up, thank god, but the break is to give me time to think.

I didn't know what to do when I found out about her and Ashton. It was just to much to handle. But it wasn't anything big, we were broken up at the time. Another one of my stupid decisions. Why am I so pissed about it?

I keep playing it over in my head. The day of Ashton blurting it out and me just telling her I need a break. Every since then the crying hasn't stopped. She cries in her sleep as some nightmare fills her mind. I'm ashamed I caused her so much pain.

But could I fix it now? Would she take me back now if I just expressed my dumb ass over reacted.? She seems to pissed at me to even listen to anything I would say. The silence in the house use to be filled with her laughter. She always laughed and would be happy. But seems I fucked that up too.

I jump at the sound of someone knocking on the front door. I wasn't expecting anyone over. Even though the guys came over on weird occasions. Opening the door I notice Ashton. He just smiled at me, what the fuck is he doing here.? I'm taken aback by the sound of we voice.

Turning around I notice her dressed and looking ready to go. She lightly pushes me aside as I just watch them leave. This can't be fucking happening. She can't go out with him in any form, we're not even broken up or are we?

"So she left with Ashton?" Luke muttered over the phone. He seemed busy when I called him but I need to vent to someone.

"Yeah, I don't know what the fuck to do Luke. She cries in her sleep, ignores me when I try to talk to her. I just fucked up." I ramble on. The imagine keeps playing in my head. Her smiling as he arm is linked in Ashton's. Shit.

"Do you still watch her as she sleeps?"

"Yeah, I didn't sleep at all last night. She kept crying and I just was fighting myself to not check on her or even comfort her." I sigh. This is all to damn much an it's my damn fault I'm in this situation.

He just tells me to talk to her. I know it seems simple but it's not. She just shuts me out, as if I'm nothing to her. Maybe this is all over...

I stay in my room not wanting to see her come in before probably inviting Ashton in. I just can't face them both. Anger courses through my veins as I think of him touching her. Taking a deep breath I try to fall to sleep. Just a little sleep could do me some good.

Fuck. I wake to a dark room, my mind races to if she was home yet or not. I just needed to make sure. I raise up in the bed ready to get out until I see her. She stays seating on the floor her back against the wall as she looks to me.

"It's good you got some sleep." She softly speaks.

"How long have you been there?"

"Three hours." Dammit, I didn't mean to sleep that long.

"How was your date with Ashton.?"

She giggles, oh how I have missed that beautiful sound.

"Wasn't a date. I just went to Luke's and hung out with them."

Luke's? Did she listen to my conversation with him? Did he discuss it with her.? What is she going to think that I'm pathetic for being such a damn creepier.

"Your call was unexpected, do you really watch me sleep?" She moves off the floor as she heads towards the bed. Her shadow moves closer until she is placed in beside me.

I nod. Not really wanting to fuck anything else up. I have so much I want to say to her but I can't find the right words. I turn my body to face her. Placing my hand on her cheek, her skin ever so soft. I just missed all of this, I missed her. Not fighting the urge anymore I kiss her. She kissed back, it was a relief at her response. I pull back not wanting to over step my boundaries.

"Im sorry." I mutter pulling away from the kiss.

"Calum don't apologise for kissing me."

"Opal, I'm not. I'm apologising for fucking up. The break was a awful decision and I shouldn't have done it. I over reacted with the Ashton thing. I'm sorry." She doesn't say anything as she places her arms around me.

Her embrace is just want I needed. I just needed a moment or a action to show me she still cares. She soon moved away from me as she lays down on the bed. I lay down beside her. Laying down on my back she moves closer to me as her head lays on my chest. I keep my arm around her not wanting to let her go. Her eyes soon close as she soon drifts off to sleep.

I stay awake watching her arms tighten around me as she holds me for dear life. I'm thankful that this fuck up could be fixed. I grab my phone as it lights up in the bedside table. Looking at the text I know that fuck up can never be fixed. The question that keeps entering my mind is how long can I hide this from her.

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