Michael || Chantel

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God why is she still alive?

I thought she would have killed herself by now.

Have you seen the scars on her wrists.

Attention seeking whore.

You closed your eyes to try to keep the tears to knew were coming back. Their words hurt so bad. You have heard the same comments since you moved here a year ago. Pulling down the sleeves of your sweater you headed towards your locker.

Slowly opening your locker you glanced around the small hallway to find a boy with green tinted hair looking onto you. He glanced away as his eyes stayed fixed on the little group of girls. Those girls have made your life hell. It would have been at their wish that you would have already ended it all but your mom walked in. You couldn't explain what you were planning as her eyes filled with tears.

You sigh knowing what you had to do when the halls cleared. The final bell rang as everyone rushed towards their classes. Staying at your locker you looked to make sure the coast was clear before grabbing your small blade. You kept it stashed in locker knowing you would need it at school.

Sliding your back down the lockers you rolled up your sleeve. Twelve healing lines laced your skin. Each one releases some pain you feel. Finally the tears rolled down your cheeks as you replayed their words in your head.

"Hey aren't you going to go - what are you doing?"

You didn't look towards the direction of the voice. "Just leave me alone." You sobbed as you brought the blade to your skin.

You heard fast approaching steps until the blade was torn from your grip. You stood up trying your best to get it from the mystery person's grip. Your fist made contact with his chest as you demanded him to leave, just leave.

"You don't know me! Just let me do what I planned on doing!"

"No! Just no!" He dropped the blade as he grabbed your wrists. "Do you like doing this to yourself?"

"It helps!"

"Helps? Bullshit. Cutting yourself doesn't help nothing. Those bitches are just what they are bitches. You are better then them." His voice is stern as you stop fighting against his grip.

You laid your head against his chest as you cried. You haven't felt that someone actually cared in years. His embrace was warm. He soon let go of your wrists as he held you close to him.

"Why care? You don't even know me." You said with before pulling away from him.

"Your name is Chantel, you moved here with your mom a year ago. And you let stupid people get to you."

"How do you know all that?"

"Hmm we have had homeroom together for a year and I know the last part by your wrists." He shrugged as he just looked at you.

"I hate it so much. Life is so hard." You leaned back against the lockers as you starred down at your feet.

"Life isn't made to be easy. You go through shit to make you stronger. This will be in the past very soon. You are a strong girl. Give yourself credit. There will people there to test your judgement and your choices but if you stay being yourself you shall be fine." He smiled at his last spoken words as you tried to return the simple gesture.

"Thank you...."

"Michael, but you can call me Mikey."

"Thanks." You gave him a full smile as his just grew.

"No problem. How about we get rid of this" He states holding up the blade. "Then ditch the rest of school and go to the park?"

You nod agreeing to his plan before following him.

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